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Letter To The Editor - Conflict Of Interest In McCarthy's Vote

RE: Smithtown Deputy Supervisor’s salary increase voted on September 9, 2014

What part of “conflict of interest, or appearance of a conflict of interest” does not apply to Councilman Thomas McCarthy’s vote for his own $30,000 increase?  The answer is of course “NONE”.  It is so blatantly unethical, and untenable, that I can’t imagine how this action can stand.

Had McCarthy recused himself, as he should have, this vote would not have passed.  Should the position of deputy supervisor get a raise? Maybe… But the public has a right to discuss it first.  And is a $30,000 increase defensible? Maybe… but only if the Supervisor is really unable to handle his daily workload.  And should any increase be retroactive to the beginning of the year? Never! Any vote to increase Town Board salaries should be for future Town Board members.  Let each member who votes for his or her increase in salary, stand the test of the vote by the voters at their next election.  Only if re-elected, should an elected official ever benefit personally from their own vote.  

No conflict of Interest… Period. Enough is enough.

Sandy Trehy, Kings Park NY

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