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Animal Shelter Director George Beatty To Retire June 30, 2015

May 21, 2015 Town Board meeting.  During the audience participation portion of tonight’s Town Board meeting Supervisor Patrick Vecchio announced that George Beatty, director of the Smithtown Animal Shelter is retiring. According to Supervisor Vecchio Mr. Beatty sent a letter to the Town Board earlier in the day announcing his retirement effective June 30, 2015.

Mr. Beatty has served as the director of the Smithtown Animal Shelter for over thirty years. He oversaw the creation of the cat room for homeless cats in 2007. Recently, he has come under fire for conditions at the animal shelter. Some animal activists have complained about lack of medical care for the animals and unsanitary conditions. There have been other complaints made against Mr. Beatty’s record keeping and an allegation about his personal timesheet documentation.  Public Safety has investigated the allegations.

At this evening’s Town Board meeting a speaker was making a complaint about Mr. Beatty’s treatment of an employee involving the rescue of two huskies. Mr. Beatty, the speaker alleged, was insisting the dogs be adopted together and that he berated an employee who was not following his order. At this point Supervisor Vecchio announced  Mr. Beatty’s resignation and mentioned that Mr. Beatty had recently lost his wife, the caregiver for his grandchildren, and that Mr. Beatty would be taking over that responsiblity. The audience applauded and cheered and completely disregarded any mention of Mr. Beatty’s loss.

One woman called Mr. Beatty a “cancer” another urged that he not be paid his salary. After the meeting the Supervisor questioned how people could be so concerned about the animals and lack any compassion for this man who just lost his wife.

Reader Comments (2)

People have little sympathy for Mr. Betty's' loss because of his complete lack of compassion for the voiceless animals in his care, and his obstinate and disrespectful attitude toward the volunteers and others in attendance at the town board meetings..

Fri, May 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLori G.

It has come to my attention that THE SMITHTOWN MATTERS toilet-paper company posing as journalists. More aptly called THE SMITHTOWN "MATTRESS".
Sought it appropriate to abandon objectivity for the 30 pieces of silver Vecchio and Board used to purchase its conscience, decency and neutrality.

In "their" defense, I have to admit that no day passes without my possessing a copy of "the smithtown matters".
As my cats are unwilling to potty unless their litter-pans are lined liberally with several issues of "the smithtown matters". Apparently the paper inspires bowel movements for people and animals alike.

I affectionately allude to this rag as "The Smithtown MATTRESS". As like a "mattress", this rag seems to be the destination point for debauchry and every sordid municipal impropriety and incestuous political sodomism.

Apparently at the beckon call of Vecchio and Board. One of Smithtown Matters "retorter"(yes retorter...NOT reporter).
Was summoned to the Town Meeting, at heel.
To serve as belligerent false-witness to the events of the Town Meeting. As is evidenced by the rag's latest "idiotorial".... operative idiot-torial.

Almost on cue the dispatched "retorter" from The Smithtown Matters. Foaming at the mouth and chomping at the bit, broke form and began spewing her bile upon Town residents. Moralizing, then chastising them for being disaffected by Beatty's bereavement.

This Smithtown Matters retorter clearly under-medicated and handsomely paid for her allegiance to Vecchio and Board.
Was beside herself, as her self-righteous condemnation of Town residents went thunderously ignored.
Left to her desperate plea for journalistic acknowledgement and professional endorsement. She resorted to aiming her large telescopic lens to capture the faces and persons who relegated her to a fleeting curiosity and spent humor.

All in all, at the end of it all. I may have detractors and those remiss at my following statement.... that it is this.

Edited - profanity is not permitted.

Fri, May 22, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterenigmatically transparent

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