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Commack Cougars Move A Mountain Of Rock For 9-11 Memorial Garden

Gridiron Crew Moves a Mountain (of rock)

(photo courtesy of Brenda Lentsch)

The Commack Cougar High School Football Teams used their muscle to remove a truckload of rocks from around the District’s 9-11 Memorial. Gardens will surround the three newly planted “Survivor Trees” added to the memorial. A callery pear tree became known as the “Survivor Tree” after enduring the September 11, 2001 terror attacks at the World Trade Center. In October 2001, the tree was discovered at Ground Zero severely damaged, with snapped roots and burned and broken branches. It was removed and rehabilitated. The tree was returned to the Memorial in 2010. The Survivor Tree embodies our nation’s spirit of hope and healing, strength and resilience in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

On September 11, at 6:30 p.m., the District will hold its 14th Annual Candlelight Night of Remembrance Ceremony on the Heroes Memorial Track at Commack High School. The “Flags of Freedom” will line the roadway (Scholar Lane) and the ceremony is dedicated to patriotism, remembrance, tolerance and resiliency. The Survivor Trees will be dedicated at the ceremony.

Even a decade plus after September 11, 2001, the Commack community fills the bleachers to commemorate those who perished, and those still suffering from the horrific events of that day. All are welcome to attend the ceremony.


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