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Op-ED - When Did We All Stop Expecting Integrity From Politicians

By Larry Vetter

When did we all stop expecting integrity from our politicians?

I belong to a number of networking groups for my business. Networking groups consist primarily of entrepreneurs and management employees that are looking for ways to expand business. Networking is a way of marketing that gives you an opportunity to not only understand other business, their needs and issues, but also the individuals themselves. After a time, networking partners become personal friends.

In one such networking group, there is a young man struggling to build his own company that I had befriended. In the meetings we often discuss our unique selling points, how they work and how others may adapt them. I have always felt and stressed that integrity and honesty were the cornerstone of my business and all those within my networking groups have come to know me for that.

Shortly after I was nominated to run for the Town Council position, I mentioned this fact to all my networking groups. After one such meeting, the young man approached me wished me luck and said, “I understand that now you will have to say things that aren’t necessarily true”. I was somewhat taken aback and said that was absolutely not true and I am not changing the ways I live and I work to win a position. We quickly cleared up that misconception, however it did leave me pause to think.

Are we at a point where we expect that little of out public servants? Do we now just shrug our shoulders and expect the lie, expect the broken promises and expect the slipshod services. If I am to be honest with myself, I have to admit I have fallen into that line of reasoning. I often cynically realize that very little that is promised or guaranteed ever becomes reality.

Isn’t it time we hold our public servants to the same standards we expect from our vendors, from services we employ, from goods we purchase, from friends that we have made? Should we not choose individuals at the ballot box that we know are honorable and will fulfill their promises? Isn’t it time we vote for the best and not the lesser of evils? I sincerely hope that this year on Election Day, we begin the process of weeding out the dead wood and replacing with individuals that can deliver what they promise.

Larry Vetter is a Smithtown resident and a buisness owner. He is running for Smithtown Town Council on the Democratic line.

Reader Comments (21)

Mr. Vetter,

Let's hear what your big promises are that you will be able to deliver on if by some quirk of fate you are actually successful in your campaign, bearing in mind that you will be in the minority on the town board.

Fri, July 31, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

Bill Ellis will crush you.

Fri, July 31, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

Very refreshing that someone running for office has ethics, and intends to use them to promote progress in Smithtown. And how awful that the two comments above are nasty and offensive...And looks like they are both from the same cynical person identifying and speaking for the Smithtown GOP.
Vetter has a lot to offer the Smithtown Town Council, starting with ETHICS! It would be wise for the taxpayers, business owners, and voters to be open minded and get to know Larry Vetter over the next few months. Our lives are greatly affected by decisions made at a local level, and our incumbents have made no promises or improvements in years. They keep secrets behind closed doors because they can. If there is only one team playing, the spectators get screwed. We welcome hearing what all the candidates have to say and promise us, but we know that the incumbents have not delivered.
Enough is enough.

Sat, August 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSandy T

Good luck, Larry. I'm not in Smithtown anymore so I can't vote for you. But if I could, I would, not because I'm a Democrat or republican (I'm a registered Independent) but because I believe it's time to totally clean house in Smithtown Town Hall. Some real good and decent people work there but they've been there too long. The comments from the alleged republican say it all even though he/she doesn't have the stones to to allow the use of his/her name. That's how those types spew their venom, anonymously and from the shadows. You're a good man, Larry, and you will be a breath of fresh air in the campaign. Again, good luck.

Sat, August 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTim Fleming

Vetter has no chance. Zero. None. If you loudmouths think he does then why don't you put your money where your loudmouths are and write him a very large check. But you won't because you are all talk. The Smithtown Republican Party is a well oiled amply funded political powerhouse. Virtually indestructible. Good luck pea brains.

Mon, August 3, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

No response. Figures. All talk. Let's see you try and compete with the almighty Smithtown Republican Party instead of posting on blogs. Bring it on. Chairman Ellis and the rest of our party will destroy your souls.

Tue, August 4, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

Since he asked for one, here's my response to Smithtown Republican-

When you say: 1. "Bill Ellis will crush Vetter," you sound very angry.
When you say: 2. "Good luck pea brains," you sound very juvenile.
When you say: 3. "Bring it on," you sound unable to express yourself without resorting to violence.

And when you conclude with "Chairman Ellis and the rest of our party will destroy your souls," you confirm all three of my points.

Wed, August 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

You can insult me personally until your pea brain heart is content. It doesn't bother me. My question stands. Why don't you write a big fat check for Vetter? You know why. Because even that eeny weeny little brain of yours knows it would be a waste of that money. You know that the Smithtown Republicans, led by Chairman Ellis, is the strongest and most organized town party in Suffolk County and that you stand no chance to defeat us.

Wed, August 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

The funny part is that I didn't insult you- I just quoted you. It would have been too easy to insult you.

Thu, August 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

Whatever makes you sleep well. You will be defeated. That we both know.

Thu, August 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

What do you mean: "I will be defeated?" I never said whether I was for or against Larry Vetter.
I was only quoting you.

Fri, August 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

I mean that you cannot match the electoral expertise of the Smithtown republicans led by its great chairman, Bill Ellis. You have no chance. Nor does your friend Mr. Vetter. Admit it fool. His candidacy is doomed. Otherwise, why not write him a big check of your own money?

Mon, August 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

Congratulations on your literary 'expertise'!
That's the first time I've ever seen the words 'great' - 'chairman' - and 'Bill Ellis' used in the same sentence.

Tue, August 11, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

One of the obstacle honest people find in politics is that unless they go with the current and agree with the big shots, they have no chance of being in the "IN" crowd. Covering up for the influential "Bullies" is an easy way to climb the ladder. Most people in politics particularly in Long Island and New York in general are made of this fabric.

How frustrating it is when the decisions made by these bunch of self interest, egotistical leaders affects the lives of those who are trying to maintain the heads above the water, dealing with the inability to peacefully enjoy the biggest investment in their lives, and unable to sleep peacefully at night, because Smithtown Officials refuse to enforce zoning ordinances and are covering up violations, benefiting building owners.

Thu, August 13, 2015 | Unregistered Commentervictoria mondragon

Congratulations on your spelling ability. You should be called the Smithtown Spelling Police. Guess you could not think of anything else to say in response to my devastating arguments that demonstrate you are nothing but a hot air blowing loudmouth fool who won't put his money where his mouth is but instead choses to be critical of a real political chairman that organizes the finest Republican organization in Suffolk County.

Thu, August 13, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

Bill - Is that you?

Fri, August 14, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

No. Just a big fan of his. He has done more good for this town than you ever will.

Sat, August 15, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

"He has done more good for this town" Really?
Ellis hand-picked Jorgensen for Highway Superintendent - how did that work out?

Sun, August 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

Clearly you do not know your political history. Bill did not endorse Glenn in Glenn's first election. So when you say hand picked, you really have no idea what the heck you are talking about. Go get your shine box little man.

Sun, August 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

Obviously, I was referring to the 2013 election.
Who was the Republican candidate for Highway that year? Jorgensen.
Was there a primary? No.
So who gave Jorgensen the Republican line? You?

Mon, August 17, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent

you said he hand picked the guy. Your words buddy boy. In 2013 Glenn was an incumbent and there was no way to predict his missteps. Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. It's no wonder Vetter has no chance. With dummies like you for friends it's easy to see why Bill Ellis will systematically destroy you.

Tue, August 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Republican

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