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OpEd - Sitting Back And Hoping Is Not A Strategy 

By Larry Vetter

What does a vibrant industrial park bring to a town? The answer is simple: jobs and an increased tax base to ease the burdens on everyone.

There are essentially two types of economic centers within the township of Smithtown. One type is visible. This is the down town areas. The second is the industrial parks, equally important but more hidden. When we think of industrial parks, Hauppauge immediately comes to mind, however Nesconset, St. James and Kings Park also contain industrial zones.

Recently, I had the opportunity to drive through the various zones. Hauppauge, Nesconset and St. James zones consist primarily of warehouse type structures while Kings Park consists mostly of yard type commercial businesses. Many of the buildings in the Nesconset and St. James zones are empty or significantly underutilized. The Hauppauge Industrial Park was once vibrant with a mix of light industry, manufacturing and warehousing. Today there is also a malaise in this industrial park.

Suffolk County and several of the townships within the county have developed industrial development associations. They recognize the “Long Island Brain Drain” where many of our well-educated young people cannot find the type of employment commensurate with their education. The primary purpose of these associations is to entice business into the county and more specifically to our towns. Today, Smithtown contains no such association. It seems to be a rather significant oversight to have within our borders one of the largest industrial parks and yet not have any plans for developing it.

So what do we do? What seems to have occurred is that we sit back and hope. Our only initiative was to allow building owners to extend the roof heights in hopes of attracting business. So far neither idea appears effective.

We need to once again think outside of the box. My solutions to this crucial problem are as follows:
1. Develop an industrial development association. This can be done with resources we already have within the town. It is not necessary to spend additional tax revenue on this process. We can piggyback with the existing Suffolk County program.

2. Actively entice businesses to Long Island. Who is to say that Hauppauge canʼt become the next “silicone valley”? Technology companies often need minimal raw materials and shipping is often parcel post; something we are situated very well for.

3. Open discussions with Suffolk in an attempt to develop sewer system plans in Smithtown. As important as this topic is to homeowners, it is equally as important to businesses.

4. Suffolk County has a number of transportation initiatives. Why not work with the county to develop alternative transportation from our nearby rail hubs to enable easier movement into and out of the industrial park?

Smithtown is a great place. We have many hard working families that take the education of their children seriously. As a result there are well-qualified individuals to staff modern technology enterprises. We have great public schools and nearby higher education facilities as well as world-renowned research facilities. We have wonderful beaches, golf courses and several nearby townships are undergoing a revival in eateries and entertainment. Finally we are located very near one of the most vibrant cities in the world. It seems to me that it would not at all be a difficult sell, but like everything else, it must be worked for.

This November take the opportunity to vote for individuals that will work toward solutions and not accept excuses for why things canʼt happen. Letʼs reverse the “Brain Drain” and give us all a chance to keep families together on Long Island. 

Larry Vetter is the Democratic candidate for Smithtown Town Council

Reader Comments (2)

Smithtown, NY Republican town Supervisor in office for 38 years, thinks he owns Smithtown's entire land. He and his proteges at Hauppauge Industrial Park are targeting residents with acoustic applications deemed for military operations to hide loud zoning violations. The Departments involved in reinforcement are being told to deny these violations and allow the use of noise generator such as Advance Acoustics or Noisecom, which use satelite microwave technologies to emulate any noise and aplly it at their targets. Which in this case are homeowners neighboring the Hauppauge Industrial Park.
Mon, September 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria Mondragon
Well written Larry - however, I must say I find the Great Brain Drain is a suburban myth....is it real in the sense our young people move off the Island after we spend exorbitant amounts of money on their education with our costly micro-school districts. However, they move away because it's suburbia, they grew up in suburbia - very few wish to stay as opposed to can't stay. They jet right out of here with the ink on the degree still wet for Astoria, Brooklyn, Manhattan if they land a super job or rent-controlled apartment. They want to leave. However, Patchogue is a great example of a young community - but it's a walkable community, the growth has been vertical, Smart Growth rules the day there and I applaud that enormously. The Mayor was a visionary and had the help of a Smart Growth genius - Eric Alexander . But we must really ask ourselves how many towns want to become a Patchogue or will, only time will tell. But nothing can happen without the proper infrastructure - back to your important point on sewers. We need sewers in our downtowns! Again, well done!
Fri, October 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermaureen rossi

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