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SUFFOLK CLOSEUP - Suffolk County's "Dirty Sewage Secret"


By Karl Grossman

Suffolk County government for years delayed considering advanced wastewater treatment systems—to be installed at homes and featuring new technologies that reduce nitrogen discharges to a fraction of what traditional cesspools put out. Nitrogen discharges are considered a major cause of the brown and red tides and other algal blooms that have wreaked havoc in the bays and other water bodies of Suffolk. 

Nearby states among them New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland and Rhode lsland have embraced the systems. They constitute a breakthrough in wastewater disposal.

In recent times, Suffolk government has finally moved toward accepting the systems. 

At the request of County Executive Steve Bellone, the Suffolk Legislature this summer authorized a change in the county’s sanitary code to legalize the systems here. This came after the Bellone administration embarked on a “Septic Demonstration Pilot Program” under which a variety of  advanced systems were installed for free at initially 19 homes in Suffolk to be monitored by the county to see how they worked.

In heralding the undertaking this summer, as 20 more homes were added, Mr. Bellone said: “The first phase of the septic demonstration project has been extremely successful as we received tremendous feedback from our residents who are currently participating in the program and from industry experts.” (The homeowners chosen were selected through a lottery and are located in all 10 towns of Suffolk.)

But is the county moving as strongly as it should in the endeavor?

Kevin McAllister, founder and president of the organization Defend H20, has long been a critic of Suffolk government’s lack of movement on the advanced systems.

“I don’t agree with going slow with approving the new systems,” says Mr. McAllister. . “The county has been dragging its feet since 2005 on this.” Indeed, he said that in 2011 county officials “were invited to attend a seminar on advanced systems that I hosted with Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine and Islip Councilwoman Trish Bergin. They declined to attend.” (Steve Levy was county executive then.)

Of the recent actions, “I can’t get too excited about baby steps.”

He complains that for the Bellone administration “sewering is the primary interest,” to increase population density with sewers hoping this would “promote economic development.” He finds great fault in the standard set by the county for the advanced systems in the amended sanitary code—19 milligrams per liter of nitrogen in the wastewater discharged. “They can do better,” says Mr. McAllister. Some of the systems are capable of reducing nitrogen to five milligrams per liter “and lower.” Thus the Suffolk standard is, in Mr. Allister’s view, “a half measure towards efforts to reduce nitrogen. “It’s more about public appearance.”

Further, there is “no mandate for using the systems” in new installations or the replacement of old ones. “The county would make that voluntary.”

“This is why I’m trying to get the towns to adopt their own local laws which mandate the installation of advanced systems in new installations or when a cesspool is replaced, and also to establish more stringent standards than Suffolk County has,” says Mr. McAllister.

This is compounded by what he calls the county’s “dirty sewage secret” on the commercial side of the wastewater equation. The county allows “grandfathering” in the replacement of wastewater systems at commercial sites. The county is charged with enforcing a state standard of 10 milligrams per liter of nitrogen in discharges at commercial sites. But “Suffolk officials have turned a blind eye.” He cites as an example a 1960s-era motel on 2.8 acres on the waterfront replaced by a 23-unit condominium complex. But the “redevelopment was allowed without requiring advanced wastewater treatment.” He says there are numerous other examples of this county’s “grandfathering.”

Vanessa Baird-Streeter, a spokesperson for Mr. Bellone, emphasizes that the 19 milligrams of nitrogen per liter standard “can be changed” based on the county’s pilot project that’s underway. “The point of the pilot program is to insure that we are getting the best results—and determining which technologies will provide that,” she said. As to mandating installation of the advanced wastewater treatment systems, because of their cost, the Bellone administration has been “looking for funding mechanisms that can assist homeowners” in installing them. They can carry a cost of $25,000.

Mr. Bellone in April proposed a referendum this year on a surcharge to water bills for customers of the Suffolk County Water Authority and other water providers—$1 for every 1,000 gallons used—to help fund clean water efforts. This could have provided funds for installation of the advanced wastewater treatment systems. Mr. Bellone dropped the plan, however, in the face of resistance from state lawmakers concerned that the $73 million estimated to be raised annually would be used for other purposes by cash-strapped Suffolk government. Hs administration seeks to revisit it in 2017.

In eastern Suffolk, passage of the referenda to be on the ballots in the five East End towns next month allowing Community Preservation Fund monies (raised by a 2% transfer tax on real estate transactions) to be applied through 2050 to clean water projects would help finance the installation of the systems by homeowners.


Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books.

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