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Letter To Editor - Anna Throne-Holst For "Gun Responsibility"

To the Editor:
I support Anna Throne-Holst for Congress because I never again want to turn on the news and hear about twenty dead children or forty-nine slain young men and women. Her opponent, incumbent Congressman Lee Zeldin, has made no effort to prevent a recurrence of tragedies like those at Sandy Hook, the Pulse nightclub, Virginia Tech, outside CIA headquarters, and on a street corner by a supermarket in Arizona. Today, over 90% of people nationwide want stronger gun control measures, including background checks. Lee Zeldin has consistently pushed against this notion, voting against background checks to keep guns away from domestic abusers, the mentally ill, and terrorists on the No-Fly list and opposing a ban on high-capacity magazines used in so many horrific shootings. He is well-regarded by the National Rifle Association, a organization whose executives continue to propagate the notion that common sense gun safety measures are an encroachment on people’s 2nd Amendment rights. This is far from the truth and the vast majority of NRA members know that, yet the executives continue creating fear for their own financial benefit.

Anna Throne-Holst strives to support common-sense legislation, including requiring stronger background checks. She makes every effort to improve our children’s education and she feels keeping them safe is an important part of this. There have been organizations who use the term “gun responsibility” instead of “gun control” as it better represents the sort of changes many people want to see. So, if over 90% of people nationwide want changes, it stands to reason some of them, including gun owners, live in New York’s 1st Congressional district. I personally don’t mind people owning rifles for activities like hunting and handguns for protection. But I find the status quo outrageous. For me, Anna Throne-Holst is the responsible choice.

Sincerely Yours,


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