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Amy's Perspective - Town Board Is Not Off To A Good Start

By Amy Fortunato

Town Board Meeting-

Hopeful to find a good seat, I arrived early – 6:30 PM on Thursday, January 25th. The addition of security guards in uniform for the first time were off-putting.  I asked the guards about the need for their presence.  They joked good naturedly.  But, it’s not welcoming. 

I knew there were three presentations scheduled for this regular meeting and advertised as public forums.  Earlier in the day, I queried Supervisor Ed Wehrheim and our Town Clerk, Vincent Puleo about the room inadequate size of the room.  Obviously it would not accommodate the potential residents who are interested in the various, important presentations.  He told me it was too late to change the location.  The advertised public forums to be presented were: King’s Park Market Analysis sponsored by the King’s Park Civic Association, Cell Tower information presentation for consideration of a possible code exception and the Smithtown United’s NY Ave. proposal toward the completion of a Comprehensive Master Plan.   

As the room filled up, I gave my seat to one of the presenters of the King’s Park market analysis report presentation.  Many of us were stranded, waited outside the room on the stair landing until my neighbor Gerry Halloway tried to find a seat.  Gerry is 80 yrs. old, recently recovering from an accident and dependent on his cane to stabilize his balance.  Sadly, the security guard told him there were no seats and Gerry would have to stand.  At that point, I insisted that someone inside the room give up their seat for our senior citizen.  When Gerry was seated, I left the room again to wait outside with approximately ten others.  There was no way to hear the discussion taking place in the meeting room.  Then, we were asked to be quiet because those inside the room were distracted by our conversations.

It’s imprudent to invite Smithtown residents and then clearly NOT anticipate that those interested citizens would actually attend these advertised, public forums.  The room has approximately 35 chairs, which are usually empty.  Granted, this is a recent phenomenon; but this undersized room has been fully populated during the last two, most recent, previous Town Council meetings.  The disappointed consensus of those who tried to attend (stairs, landing and down the hallways) was obvious.  I called the next day to express my concern.  Ed Wehrheim returned my call, but I didn’t experience any satisfaction or assurance of creating a better, more appropriate accommodation.  

The presentations are available on-line; but I was there to participate and show my concern.  It’s time to consider the Smithtown community by providing adequate space and hearing from those concerned and respond accordingly.    


Amy Fortunato is a Smithtown resident who ran on the Democratic line for Smithtown Town Council in 2017.

Reader Comments (4)

About the only thing I can agree with is that these meetings should be held in a facility large enough to accommodate everyone that attends.
As for your neighbor, why did he not arrive early to ensure getting a seat that he requires? You "insisting" that someone give up their seat might be the reason that uniformed security is present even though you are "put-off" by their mere presence. And I guess it's security's job to make sure those in need get a seat.
I'm sure that carrying on conversations outside the meeting room could not help those trying to hear the meeting.
Wed, January 31, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterCharley
Amy, what did the Smithtown Public Information Officer, Nicole Garguilo have to say on the issue of larger venues for Town Board meetings?
For those wondering who Nicole Garguilo is, she was Ed Wehrheim’s Campaign Manager in the last election. She was appointed to this NEWLY CREATED TAXPAYER FUNDED POSITION by Mr. Wehrheim at a salary of $75,000 + benefits per year.
For comparison purposes, the annual salary of our Town Council Members is $65,818.

Next time you speak with Mr. Wehrheim, here are a few questions you may want to ask him that the voters of Smithtown deserve answers to:

How was her position funded?
Why was it suddenly necessary? We’ve been doing just fine all these years without a spokesman.
What are the job description/duties/hours/qualifications?
Who else was considered/interviewed?
Was the job opening ever advertised?
Why her? Who is she related to?
Why do her early statements sound more like campaign communications than official government communications?
Does she report to the Board or the Supervisor?
I’m sure you may have other questions, Amy, but please try these for a start. Thanks.
Thu, February 1, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterSmithtown Independent
Hi Charley, Good morning. Thanks for posting and expressing your concerns with my article. My neighbor and I regularly attend the Town Council meetings. Until very recently, if you arrive on time there are seats available. I sure hope that by 'insisting' that someone give up their seat for an elderly man using a cane is not offensive or a security guard issue. The security guards were a new addition. Agreed, it would be common courtesy for the guard to request that someone give up their seat for a senior citizen/resident. Agreed, those of us who wanted to be in the meeting were excluded and were talking among ourselves. It was an uncomfortable, awkward, unfortunate, over-scheduled, over-crowded Town Council meeting and by it's very nature, not transparent. The public is supposed to be present and was invited to attend the three different presentations. I mean no offense, I just hope that all Smithtown tax-paying residents will be considered and able to attend these meetings. Thank you - take good care and thanks again for your questions.
Tue, February 6, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterAmy Fortunato
It is commonplace for Governmental and other municipalities to have Public Information Officers - it's good practice. This is not the first time, however, that Smithtown has had said position. There was so little transparency with the last administration - communication as so bad that the Supervisor did not speak to the Town Clerk for years - various Department Heads didn't talk to some Council members. TRANSPARENCY is something we must insist upon. As far as small venues - we are so lucky to have our meetings streamed and available on the town's website to view. It's a great service to our community. I am excited about having a Public Official Officer, not because she is a friend but because she knows the business. She is a highly qualified individual with regard to media/press/communication. For the record, I offered your neighbor a seat - before you demanded someone give it up and he reneged. I thought the meeting went very well and had a very positive feel about it and being a reporter for 25 years, you often cringe at these meetings. What I would like to see as a service to the press is that meetings also be transcribed.
Tue, February 6, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen Rossi

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