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Protesters Rally In Commack Again

Protesters rallied in Commack Thursday sending a message of support for Donald Trump and carrying signs stating that it is time to reopen New York . The rally, the second one held at this location on Veterans Highway in Commack, was  organized by a group called Setauket Patriots.

Support for the rally participants could be heard as some drivers beeped horns and gave a thumbs up as they passed.  

Not everyone was happy to have the rally in Commack. Some Commack residents were frustrated that people from outside the community would select Commack as the rally site. They expressed concern that protestors would not maintain distancing protocols or wear face covering.

Protesters came from across Long Island. Many of the participants wore face covering although distancing did not seem to be happening.

The protesters were not a homogenous group and although opening up New York was the primary message other messages included opposition to Bill Gates and vaccines, anti-Governor Cuomo and government overreach.


Reader Comments (2)

These people are ignorant. Look at the sign that reads in part "My son's..." (sic) which uses the possessive rather than the plural. And, further down where "Bill Gates" appears, the possessive is required but it is missing. As I already pointed out, these are ignorant people.
Fri, May 15, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterphil d. basket
There is no cure for stupid, but willful ignorance is sad to behold, both federal and local.
Listen to what Cuomo actually says, he simply states what we know and what we don't know, plan for the worst scenario based on available data and hope that won't be needed. Is he perfect, obviously not, but he is doing a damn sight better than most.
Fri, May 15, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterCrunch Anura

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