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Hauppauge's Phyllis Stein Participated In 34th Annual Jewish Scouting Conference


At the 34th Annual North East Region Jewish Committee on Scouting Conference, which was held October 3, 2021 at Alpine Scout Camp in Alpine, New Jersey, JCOS of SCC (Scouts BSA) volunteer Phyllis Stein was presented with a special recognition certificate and award for her continued service to the NER JCOS and to the Jewish Scouting community. Left to right: NER JCOS Chair Phil Sternberg (of the National Capitol Area Council), Phyllis Stein of Hauppauge, and Bruce Streger, past NER JCOS Chair and JCOS of SCC Chair Emeritus (previously of Farmingville and now residing in Florida)Local Suffolk County Council (Scouts BSA) Jewish Committee on Scouting volunteers Barry Kopeloff  (of Port Jefferson Station), Bruce Streger (previously of Farmingville and now residing in Rockledge, Florida), and Phyllis Stein (of Hauppauge), participated  with Scouters from other states in the northeast from Maryland to  New Hampshire.  This was the 34th Annual North East Region Jewish Committee on Scouting Conference, which was held October 3, 2021 at Alpine Scout Camp in Alpine, New Jersey. The Conference was the first in person meeting since March 2019 (the conference planned for March 2020 had to be cancelled due to the start of the Covid pandemic). Members of the NER JCOS opted to hold this year’s conference at an outdoor venue like a Boy Scout Camp in the fall as opposed to their normal indoor spring event.  There were 37 volunteer Scout Leaders and Scout Professionals from ten Boy Scout Councils attending the 2021 NER JCOS Conference. 

The day-long event started with a Bagel Buffet breakfast and celebrated the Jewish Committee’s participation in the Boy Scouts of America that started in 1926. The theme of “Renewed Fellowship” included presentations that covered the history of Jewish Scouting that started in New York City where the first Jewish Troop met at the 92nd Street YMJA. Other interesting presentations covered the history of the Jewish Religious Awards, a recap of this past summer’s National Jewish Committee’s Trek in the mountains at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, and many other topics. Special guest, Mr. Richard Davies, the CEO of the Greater New York Councils welcomed the scouting volunteers to Alpine Scout Camp and spent most of the day as an active participant in the conference.

The conference was a joyous event, filled with learning for participants, and much sharing of recent experiences from the Scout leaders who attended. The “midway” had displays and Scouting memorabilia items. Each participant received two special commemorative event patches and a flash drive with great Scouting resources and information for participants to take back to their local JCOS and local Scout Councils was also available. The President of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Mr. Frank Youdelman, joined the conference via Zoom and answered questions from participants.  National JCOS Chaplain Rabbi Art Vernon provided attendees with the invocation, D’var Torah, and prayers before the Kosher lunch meal.  

Several of the attendees were recognized with the Bronze, Gold, and Silver Chai Awards for their continued work with their local JCOS committees, and were presented by NER JCOS Chair Phil Sternberg of the National Capitol Area Council. Bruce Streger, past Chair, and Philip Sternberg presented a” Special Achievement Award  for Service to the Jewish Scouting Community and For Going Above and Beyond to Promote the Highest Level of Jewish Scouting” and for her continued service to the NER JCOS and to the Jewish Scouting community to Phyllis Stein.

It was a great event and everyone was glad to be there in person.  The next NER JCOS Conference will take place in the February/March timeframe either at GNYC’s Alpine Scout Camp in New Jersey or in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

For more information on joining the JCOS of Suffolk County, Jewish Religious Emblems and workshops, Scout Sabbath Services, Jewish campouts, and more, please contact JCOS Chair Barry Kopeloff at (631) 331-9460 or join us at our monthly JCOS meetings (held the 3rd Monday of every month at Temple Beth Chai of Hauppauge (870 Town Line Road).