Golf News: The President's Qualifier

By Jerry Gentile
Played on a beautiful June weekend on Long Island, the President’s Qualifier was completed.
Mel Vizzini who partnered with Bob Pogoloff for an amazing net (26) on their first 9 holes.The President’s Cup, one of the most prestigious tournaments of the SLMGA season is decided by two man teams, who first have to qualify with 1 of 16 low net scores. The President’s Championship Cup is then determined by match play of the 16 teams at a later date in the season.
It is always a `nail biter` event with plenty of drama for the members.
The top three teams in the qualifier go to, Patrick (not Tony) DiClemente and Tony Mauro, net (60), Dick (Quiet) Stevens and Emmett (Congenial) Cassidy, net (62), Mel (Carmelo) Vizzini and Robert (Pogie) Pogoloff net (62). `Tip of the Cap` goes to Mel and Pogie, they had a `mind boggling` (26) on the front 9. Honorable mentions go out to David Capo with a 3 under (69), Derek Downing (72), Ed Haliasz and Jesse Kovacs both scored (76).