
An Interview With Town Supervisor Candidate - Robert Creighton

Councilman Robert Creighton is challenging Supervisor Patrick Vecchio for the Republican line for Town Supervisor in November. The following article comes from an interview I did with Councilman Creighton. Supervisor Patrick Vecchio’s interview will be posted Friday evening. Pat

By Pat Biancaniello

Councilman Robert Creighton -At Kings Park Farmers MarketAsk Robert Creighton if he is sorry that he decided to challenge Patrick Vecchio for the Republican line in November’s election and he answers with an absolute “No”. He is not sorry at all. A little surprised at the nasty things that have been said about him and more than a little bothered that his son has been brought into all the nastiness - but sorry, “not at all.” 

That’s the way Bob Creighton is, he thinks about what he believes is right, collects information and then acts on that information. It is this ability to make decisions that allowed Bob to lay the foundation for his challenge to Vecchio. Months ago he changed his party registration from Conservative to Republican and hasn’t looked back.  When asked if he received criticism from Conservatives or Republicans for changing his affiliation? His answer was an emphatic “no”!

“I like what I do, as a Councilman I can do a little good. As Supervisor, I can do a lot of good. Certainly more good than Patrick Vecchio has done. He has done nothing, not in my time and he has blocked everything we have tried to do.”  Creighton used the Nassau - Suffolk lumber yard debacle as an example of what is wrong under Vecchio’s leadership. His frustration is palpable as  he declares Vecchio and DeRubeis have blocked the redevelopment of the site since 2008 when the first rendering was presented. According to Creighton, “DiCarlo has submitted eight plans. The most recent rendering drawn up by the Planning Department and then planning came back and said the air shaft is too small. After they drew up the plans. Where does that come from? An arrogance that starts at the top. When you have thirty five years of arrogance and Frank DeRubeis there for thirty plus years, it happens, not intentionally, but it happens.”

What will he do to change things if he is elected as Supervisor? Creighton uses the town of Patchogue as an example. Creighton talked about a recent visit to Patchogue and a visit with Mayor Paul Pontieri.  Facing blight in its downtown, Pontieri has successfully addressed the blight of downtown Patchogue and the mindset of the department heads according to Creighton. “Pontieri looks at a proposal, if he likes it, he tells them to write up a plan. We (Smithtown) throw a monkey wrench at people.” Calling Smithtown the land of “no”, Creighton talks about how he and Councilman Wherheim have enacted a controversial plan advising developers to bring the plans to them before talking to planning. “If we like it, “a la Pontieri” they can bring the plan to the Planning Department with a different spin on it. It levels the playing field because the Planning Department now knows that we have seen the plan and have interest in it.”

When asked about rumors that Creighton planned to replace department heads with commissioners, he said that this idea was not a high priority. “I do support the idea because commissioners would be more responsive to us. I don’t think it is terribly necessary. I do support the idea but I would be perfectly comfortable changing the department heads making them more responsive to me. Changing to commissioners would be more expensive and I don’t want to do that.” 

I asked Mr. Creighton to respond to criticism that he was more interested in business development and not interested in protecting residents. ” Protect the residents from what? My answer is very simple, if I wasn’t interested I wouldn’t be running for this job. I think I can do some good. Doing good means taking care of some interests. Take Whisper Vineyards for example, I am supposed to be a supporter of it. I support the concept, but I don’t support the noise that would come from the vineyard. I do believe there is room for accommodation. The Uplands? People want your final decision before you have all the information. I have said I will wait until I have all the information on it and go through it at that point.  They want you to say I am against it. But remember we all voted for the idea of a continuum care and we all voted to make St. Johnland do an EIS (environmental impact study) they paid for it. Without four votes the project is dead. I will not do anything to delay the vote.” Asked for an example of support for the residents, Mr. Creighton spoke about his support for road improvements.  Vecchio, according to Creighton has said the roads are fine.

On the budget - Mr. Creighton has had some experience with budgeting but is very pleased with the hiring of Louis Necroto as Town Comptroller. A hiring that he and Councilman Wherheim promoted. Mr. Creighton said that Mr. Necroto will play a significant role in putting together the town budget. Another person Mr. Creighton sees as playing a role in his administration is Town Attorney John Zollo. 

What is it that Bob Creighton would like residents of Smithtown to know about him? “Obviously, I am very sensitive about this. I would like people to know that I have a high degree of integrity. I would like people to know that I am not corrupt, that I am not a crook and I do not take money from people.  That to me is very important. I have spent an entire career building a reputation in the law enforcement community. A better reputation than most. It offends me terribly to be called corrupt.” 

“I think Smithtown is a great town. I live here. I have lived here for 54 years. I come from New York City, I came here by choice. I married my wife here. I love the place. I have educated my children here and my grandchildren are being educated here. I would like my grandchildren to be able to stay here. I want my kids to be able to stay here when they get to retirement age. I don’t want them to go to Florida or North Carolina. I’m here because I think we have an obligation to provide better housing for people. We need smart growth, an overworked word. We need the project across from Town Hall the perfect example of smart growth business on the first floor and apartments /condominiums on the top floors and parking off the streets.”

What happens to Bob Creighton if he loses the primary? He is a heavy favorite to win the Conservative primary against Linda Donnelly and plans to continue his campaign for Supervisor on the Conservative line.

Tuesday, September 10th is the date of the Republican Primary. Get out and vote!




Suffolk County Legislator Lynne C. Nowick visits Nissequogue River State Park “Healing Garden”

click on photo to enlarge(Smithtown, NY)… Suffolk County Legislator Lynne C. Nowick was invited to see the “Healing Garden” that was created at the Nissequogue River State Kings Park. The garden, which was a joint effort of the Commack Kings Park Rotary and the Nissequogue River State Park Foundation, was given to the park this summer. The design was donated by Joan McGuillicudy, of The Surrogate Gardner in Northport, and the construction and labor for the project was generously provided by St. James resident Eric Hagenbauch of Finesse Landscape Design. The garden is open to the public and there is a bench located under an old gnarled tree that Mr. Hagenbauch pruned and shaped and calls it “The Tree of Life.”

Legislator Nowick said, “The “Healing Garden” is a beautiful area set in a wonderful serene spot from where you can see the Kings Park Bluff, Short Beach and the Long Island Sound. This is why land preservation is so important. I applaud the efforts of the members of the Nissequogue River State Park Foundation for advocating for the creation and preservation of the park, as well as the Commack Kings Park Rotary for bringing the idea of the “healing garden” to fruition, which benefits local residents and all visitors to the park.”

Pictured at the Healing Garden are from left to right: Pat Biancaniello, past president of the Commack Kings Park Rotary, Suffolk County Legislator Lynne C. Nowick and John McQuaid of the Nissequogue River State Park Foundation.


Editorial - Republican Primary Tuesday, September 10 - Bring It On!

Have an opinion on the Republican primary next Tuesday? If you don’t and you live anywhere in Smithtown Township that might just put you in the minority. It seems everywhere I go people are talking about one of the three primaries coming up on September 10. 

If you haven’t been paying attention here’s the scorecard - there are three Republicans seeking a place on the Republican line for Suffolk County Legislator in the 13th Legislative District. The candidates are (alphabetically):  Paul Hennings, Mario Mattera, and Robert Trotta. The three men are seeking the seat currently held by Lynne C. Nowick, who due to term limits, is ineligible to run for another term.

Ms. Nowick, after serving for 12 years in the Suffolk County legislature, is seeking a seat on Smithtown’s Town Board. Ms. Nowick, the only female in the Smithtown Republican Primary, is facing two incumbents: Councilman McCarthy and Councilman Malloy.

Lastly, the Smithtown branch of the “Grand Ole Party” is seeing a primary for Town Supervisor.  Smithtown’s 36-year incumbent, Patrick Vecchio, is being challenged by a recent convert to the Republican “Party” Robert Creighton. This primary has been a fiercely fought competition with no one holding back. It seems that everyone in Smithtown has an opinion and very few people have wavered in their support of their chosen candidate.

Mr. Creighton’s challenge is about bringing change and “we can be better”. Mr. Vecchio’s platform is about “quality of life.” Both men are passionate and articulate in their belief that they are best suited to lead Smithtown in 2014.  Both men were gracious in taking time from their schedules to be interviewed by Smithtown Matters. 

What struck me most about the interviews was that these two men are just about as different as two candidates can be.  This gives Republican voters a clear choice in the primary. Are the voters listening to what the candidates are saying? Have voters been paying attention to votes cast, comments made and alliances? 

Make no mistake, the two candidates have not hidden their plans for the future which is “our” future.

The question is whose vision for the future will primary voters go with?


Friday, Sept. 6th, Smithtown Matters will post the Vecchio and Creighton interviews.




9-11 A Night Of Remembrance


The Commack Community is cordially invited to a Candlelight Ceremony in remembrance of the heroes of September 11, 2001. This year we will recognize first responders for their continuing commitment to community service.

Presentation at the Heroes Memorial Track at Commack High School Football Field

Time: 6:30 pm

Honorary Guest Speakers:Congressman Steve Israel and Senator John Flanagan

Commack unveiled its 9-11 Memorial at last year’s ceremony. This is the 12th year of Candelight “Night of Remembrance” Ceremonies. For all the photos from 9-11-12, click here:


Candidates Spouse - Alleged theft of political signs "No such theft took place"

Dear Editor:

An on-line story on a website called Smithtown Matters was just brought to my attention regarding an alleged theft of political signs. Let’s be clear: no such theft took place!

Click on photo to enlarge - photo submitted by Barbara HenningsThe article in part tells the story this way: “A passerby witnessed a woman pull her car over, exit the car, and begin to remove signs promoting the campaigns of Mario Mattera and Lynne Nowick, and place them in the car trunk. When confronted, the woman stated that she was stealing ‘the signs because Mattera stole my Paul Hennings signs.’ The witness demanded she put the signs back, but she refused. The witness told the woman that he noted her license plate number and would be contacting the police.” I also see that Mr. Mattera will have “an announcement later this week” about the “identity of the car.” Since I was there, let me spare everyone the suspense. My name appears below so you don’t have to guess who I am.

Last Sunday morning, August 25th, I was on my way to the store and noticed that a political lawn sign for my husband that I had put up in front of a well- known establishment – with express permission of the owner – had been pulled up and was lying flat on the ground. In its place, where it had been, were two signs, one for Mattera and another for Nowick.

As I have done elsewhere in town where someone has clearly displaced the Hennings sign, I pulled over to put my sign back up when a man identifying himself as “a friend of Mario” said “what are you doing? I put those signs up.” I told him I was putting up my sign, never mentioning my husband’s name, and I asked him if he knocked my sign down, which he denied.

I was not going to be intimidated, so I proceeded to put my sign upright. Because he threatened to take down my plates, I took a photo of all three signs in the ground together. (photo attached)

Let me politely state again, no signs were “stolen” by me. No signs came near my “trunk.” When I left, all the signs were there, as the photo shows.

There are consequences for calling someone a thief when the accuser knows that to be false.

Barbara Hennings