
"Mr. Malloy Take Down This Sign" Smithtown Democratic Chairman Ed Maher

“False, Misleading And Just Plain Wrong! Mr. Malloy Take Down This Sign” Smithtown Democratic Chair Ed Maher


Smithtown Democratic Chairman Ed Maher is not happy with this billboard located on a residential property on  Pulaski Rd. in Kings Park. The problem, according to Maher, is that Malloy is not on the Independence line. “The sign, in addition to being wrong, is misleading. Malloy and his supporters should take the reference to Independence off the sign or take it down”, said Maher. (Councilman Malloy was not available to comment)


Rob Trotta - Candidate For 13th Legislative District Says Thank You!

                   I am writing this  to thank the 1000 or so people whose doors I knocked on during the early part of this summer. Almost without exception they were not only friendly but were also appreciative of my efforts to give them a choice in the upcoming Republican primary for Suffolk County Legislator. A few of people stand out, one was Robert And June Moylan  who live  in St James . While I was leaving their home, it began to pour so I began jogging down the street and around the corner to my car, just then Mr. Moylan pulled up in his car and gave me a ride. Here I was a guy he never met, who probably interrupted his dinner and he was nice enough to come out in the pouring rain to give me a ride.

 Next was Sadie Catanese and her daughter  Anna Salvatore who live on Washington Av in Kings Park , Sadie  is 103 years old and full of energy, we talked for a while and she was  a true inspiration. Sadie and Anna and others like them, including friends from my old Commack neighborhood, made the petition drive enjoyable and informative. I would also like to thank my wife and kids for being so understanding about my absence this summer.

    All in all it was a great experience, and I hope everyone takes advantage of their right to vote in the Republican Primary on September 10th.

                                               Rob Trotta

                                      Republican  Candidate for Suffolk County Legislator


Fitness Week 4 - Getting Serious About Staying Healthy

By Kia Edwards

This is the fourth and final work-out in the four week program. Congratualtions to those of you who have kept up through the four weeks

If you’re just starting, don’t worry!  It’s not too late to join.  Additionally, if you found weeks 1 through 3 to be particularly challenging, you can repeat one of them this week in order to continue building necessary strength.  This is by far the most challenging week, so feel free to take breaks during the workout. Also, know your limit. If you feel dizzy, STOP. Should you have any questions, please contact me at  HYPERLINK “” and I will respond as quickly as possible.  It’s the last week- get ready!!

As a trainer who mainly focuses on in-home exercise, I can tell you that a gym is not necessary to keep fit. A few pieces of basic equipment and a small space can help you achieve or maintain a healthy fitness level. This month, I’ll give you weekly exercise plans to help you reach your goals without having to go to the gym. They are simple, yet effective and can be done by nearly everybody.  Each workout should start with a short warm-up to get your muscles ready and end with a quick stretch.  

What you’ll need: 

Dumb bells: 10-15lbs or Resistance Bands 

An exercise mat, preferably one with good padding to protect your back

Good sneakers 

Optional pieces: 

Exercise ball

Medicine Ball (8-12lbs)

Jump rope 

Monday: cardio - Aim for 45min of interval cardio such as jogging mixed with running 

Tuesday: Upper Body - Do these with as little rest as possible

Bicep Curls: 15 - Lateral raises: 15 - Front Raises: 15 - Push-ups: 15 - Rest: 30sec to 1 minute - Lying leg lifts: 15-20 - Sit-ups (with medicine ball): 25 - Plank: 1min hold Repeat 1x

Wednesday: Rest and Stretch

Thursday: Speedy Lower Body and Core - Do with minimal rest in between - Jump rope: 50-100 - Weighted Squats: 25 - Walking Lunges: 4 times across room - Calf Raises with weight: 50 - Crunches: 50 - Reverse Crunches: 25 Repeat 1-2x

Friday (almost done!): Interval cardio - 30min alternating between moderate to high intensity cardio and low intensity cardio. For example: jogging with a mixture of moderate running 

Saturday: Full Body Workout - Let’s go, champ!

Jump rope: 75-100 (or more if you can) - Bicep Curls: 15 - Overhead Presses: 15 - Lateral Raises: 15 - Front Raises: 15 - Push-Ups: 15-20 - Jump Rope: 75-100  - Squats: 25 - Calf Raises: 50 - Squat Hold against wall (weights optional, but encouraged): 1min.- Walking Lunges: twice across room - Sit-ups: 30 - Leg Raises: 20-25 - Bicycles: 20 - Plank: 1min

Sunday: Rest, Recover, Feel Awesome

Kia Edwards is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist who lives in New York City. She studied French and Economics at Colgate University, spent 15 years as a high-level competitive gymnast and 6 years as a gymnastics coach.  Her business, La Fortesse At Home Fitness Training, helps clients get healthy with simple at home exercises and nutrition counseling.    




Theater Review - "Nunsense"



Produced by: The John W. Engeman Theater at Northport

Reviewed by: Jeb Ladouceur

The cast of “Nunsense” – Left to right, Kristina Teschner, Inga Ballard, Gwendolyn F. Jones, Marie Danvers and Brittany Ross – photo by Alan PearlmanPerhaps this reviewer can be forgiven for noting that most musicals seem built to run partially out of steam in the show’s second stanza. It’s almost as if directors are determined to get their best shots in early, lest audiences otherwise tire of the proceedings and opt to make a quick getaway at intermission.

That’s never going to happen with this production of “Nunsense” however. If anything, in Act II the frolicking, mildly profane quintet of this irreverent romp outshines even their considerable command of the play’s fast-paced opening gambit.

Which is saying something, because the applause at the end of Act I in Northport’s snazzy John W. Engeman Theater last Saturday was as sustained and vigorous as that usually reserved for final curtain accolades.

The original off-Broadway production of “Nunsense,” which many readers will recall wound up on television, opened in December 1985, and ran for an impressive 3,672 performances, mostly at the intimate 200-seat Douglas Fairbanks Theater. The ten-year run made it the second most popular off-Broadway show in history (surpassed only by the “Fantasticks” – 42 years!).

There’s no sense trying to allot kudos among the five-woman company that’ll be wowing audiences at Engeman through September 8th, because they’re all convincing - all great! The most telling way to recognize the devout divas is probably to gather all those gold stars (that the Good Sisters used to hand out in third grade) and give half of them to director/choreographer Antoinette DiPietropolo, and the other half to casting director, Stephen DeAngelis. They deserve congratulations galore for selecting a fitting cast to interpret Dan Goggin’s rapid-fire, riotously funny book, music, and lyrics.

Goggin would doubtless be the first to acknowledge that the appropriately corny story behind this liturgical farce is a groaner of the first order, as it’s intended to be: The Little Sisters of Hoboken have lost 52 of their nuns when the Order’s cook (Sister Julia Child of God, who else?) has accidentally poisoned them with tainted vichyssoise. So, what better way to raise burial money than to move into the Engeman Theater in Northport, Long Island (where the stage is already decorated for “South Pacific”) and put on a—are you ready for this—variety show!

Ah, but what a variety show it turns out to be! Brittany Ross (Sister Mary Amnesia, who’s been conked by a Crucifix) belts out “I Could’ve Gone to Nashville”; Marie Danvers (as street-smart Brooklynite Sister Robert Anne) nails every note in the touching “I Just Want to Be a Star”; and the omnipresent Inga Ballard turns her Sister Mary Hubert into a modern-day Sophie Tucker belting out “Holier Than Thou.”

And those show-stoppers are all in the rollicking second act!

In Act I we’ve already been treated to statuesque Inga Ballard hoofing it with diminutive Kristina Teschner (who plays wannabe ballerina Sr. Mary Leo). Together they sing and dance “The Biggest Ain’t the Best” in vaudevillian Mutt & Jeff style, after which Gwendolyn F. Jones (Mother Mary Regina) sets the tone once and for all with her dogmatic directive to “Turn Up the Spotlight.”

It goes without saying that of all the folks associated with this production of “Nunsense,” the two least challenged are Lauren Renee Paragallo (costume designer)—and hair & make-up designer Mark Adam Rampmeyer. However, even in the obviously predictable costume and make-up departments, director DiPietropolo has arranged for a few surprises, though we are never disabused of the sure conviction (assumed by many of us since early childhood) that “nuns, of course, have no ears.

Award-winning Smithtown writer Jeb Ladouceur is the author of seven novels. His theater reviews appear in several major L. I. newspapers. In Ladouceur’s next thriller, “The Dealer” due this fall, Israeli extortionists threaten to destroy Hoover Dam demolishing the Las Vegas Strip - if casino operators don’t pay millions.


Kings Park MV Crash Sends Motorcyclist To Hospital

Suffolk County Police Fourth Squad detectives are investigating a motor vehicle crash that seriously injured a motorcyclist in Kings Park this afternoon.

Patricia Esculish was driving a 2011 Honda eastbound on Hudson Road and attempted to make a left turn onto Indian Head Road when she was struck by a 2003 Yamaha that was traveling southbound on Indian Head Road.  The driver of the Yamaha, Christopher Foster, 30, of Kings Park, was transported via Suffolk County Police helicopter to Stony Brook Hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries.

Esculish, 82, of Garden City, and her sister, Joan Chicosky, 82, of King Parks, were both transported by Kings Park Fire Department Ambulance to St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown where they were treated for minor non-life threatening injuries.

Foster was cited for Unregistered Motor Vehicle, Uninspected Motor Vehicle and Operating a Motor Vehicle with no insurance.

Both vehicles were impounded for safety checks and the investigation is continuing. Anyone with information is asked to call the Fourth Squad at 631-854-8452 or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-220-TIPS.