
Bipartisan Action - Bishop (D) And Jones (R) Demand Action Immediately

WASHINGTON — Congressmen Tim Bishop (D-NY) and Walter Jones (R-NC) have demanded that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) immediately suspend a program to train workers in the Philippines for jobs in English-speaking call centers, as reported this week in Information Week. In recent years, the Philippines has become a magnet for customer service call centers outsourced by companies in the United States and other English-speaking countries to reduce operating costs.

In 2010, Bishop compelled USAID to abandon a high-tech training program for outsourcing industry workers in Sri Lanka, with the agency committing to “conduct a review to ensure the project will not take any jobs away from Americans.”

“I believe it was reasonable to conclude from that statement that your agency’s outsourcing training program was terminated, particularly in light of President Obama’s ‘insourcing’ initiative announced earlier this year. Therefore, I was shocked to learn that USAID has used taxpayer dollars to invest in outsourcing training programs in the Philippines at the expense of American workers,”  Bishop and Jones wrote in a letter Wednesday to USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah demanding the immediate discontinuation of the Philippines training program.

In the letter, Bishop and Jones committed to using “every legislative option available to permanently prohibit USAID from engaging in such practices in the future,” should the agency’s response be insufficient.

Bishop noted that over 4.5 million Americans currently work in call centers but over 500,000 call center jobs have been outsourced from the United States to foreign nations since 2007. Bishop is lead sponsor of the U.S. Call Center and Consumer Protection Act (HR 3596), to bar American companies that outsource call center jobs from receiving federal grants and loans for five years. The bill has gained 116 bipartisan cosponsors and continues to gain momentum in the House as identity theft and sale of customers’ personal information by call center employees in India and the Philippines have been exposed in stunning new reports by the British and Australian media.

“I support the international development mission of USAID but my top priority is protecting American jobs and American taxpayers,” said Bishop. “I anticipate working closely with USAID in a bipartisan manner to ensure that none of its programs overseas will hurt workers here at home.”

The Bishop/Jones letter to USAID is available at:





Judy's Run For Stroke Awareness Volunteers Meet 

 Sunday, April 14th, a group of dedicated volunteers met at 9 AM at Sertino’s Cafe, located at 133 West Main Street in Smithtown, to discuss (Judy’s Run For Stroke Awareness) Mission, Vision, and Accomplishments.

 The Mission for Judy’s Run for Stroke Awareness is to focus 100 percent of its donated funds, goods and services on efforts to promote public awareness toward stroke detection, and prevention.

 The Vision is to provide continuing education to the public and the media on the importance of stroke awareness and prevention. As Judy’s Run for Awareness evolves, “we will continue to educate people on stroke incidents through education”.


The 5th Annual JRSA Run (our signature event)   

Provided stroke awareness and prevention information brochures at hospitals, doctor offices, health clubs, and running events

 Raised stroke awareness by speaking at Rotary Clubs, Knights of Columbus, and the Suffolk County Legislature.

 The illumination of the H. Lee Dennison building in 2011 in recognition for stroke awareness. The Dennison building will be illuminated for the entire week prior to Judy’s Run for stroke awareness  on May 14th, through May 20th, 2012.

 Provided blood pressure screenings and informational material for stroke awareness at Judy’s Run, Nesconset Street Fair, Smithtown Day, and other local community events.

 Presented Stony Brook Medical Center with the funds for sending two RN’s to an annual neuroscience nursing conference. This effort was named “The Judy’s Run Scholarship Fund” … Also, a portion of the funds were used to purchase a full length mirror for the PT/OT staff to be used for the stroke surviviors.

 Judy’s Run For Stroke Awareness is a 501(c)3 organization …  President/Founder, Bob Zebrowski … 



Smithtown HS Graduate Rachel Werner Gets Up Close and Personal With Giraffes

Rachel WernerFirst-Ever Higher Education Collaboration Between Monmouth University and Six Flags Wild Safari Offers Students Unique Learning Experience

If you think Six Flags is just a place where you can go and have fun it is time to think again.  Monmouth University has a program available to its students that allows them to get up close and personal with the animals at Six Flags Wild Safari.

Monmouth University student Rachel Werner from Smithtown, N.Y. interacts with towering giraffes during her Field Experience: Six Flags Wild Safari course. The upper-level class introduces students to the psychological theories and principles used to shape animal behaviors and how these principles can be applied to their own career and life. It is being offered for the first time this spring as part of a unique educational collaboration between Monmouth University and Six Flags Great Adventure. In addition to class meetings, library research and journaling, students have supervised exposure to animals, including a 90-pound albino Burmese python, bottlenose dolphins, African elephants and rhinoceros’. 


EDITORIAL - What could they be thinking?  

If you did not attend the Town’s work session held last week you have the opportunity to see it on the Town’s website.  I suggest you watch it.

The work session is a rare glimpse into how government is supposed to work – in public view.

The intent of the meeting was the presentation of three proposals for the Town Board’s consideration regarding the development of Lawrence Road and the surrounding area.

The audience included representatives from the Commack Community Association, Kings Park Civic Association, Hauppauge Industrial Association and Property Owners.  The former Planning Director, Mr. Fred Myers, was also in the audience. 

Planning Director, Frank DeRubeis, provided three options for the Board. Option one is for the town to remain on the current course a “do nothing option”. Option two – a proactive approach, means the town would take control, using planning and zoning, to develop the area in a manner the Board deemed acceptable.  Option three calls for the board to work with existing landowners and be reactive to the decisions the property owners make. 

The Board, with the exception of Councilman McCarthy who was absent from the meeting, listened and questioned Planning Director DeRubeis regarding his proposals.  The Q & A gave insight into how the Board members think about zoning and planning for the Town of Smithtown. 

Supervisor Vecchio gave his historical analysis of the area.   Supervisor Vecchio’s position seemed to be; over the years, the Town had done everything possible in the area and has been unsuccessful in gaining control over the activities property owners choose to conduct on their property.  The Town has failed in the Courts and that leaves little recourse for the Town.

Councilmen Creighton and Wherheim asked questions about the proposals.  Councilman Creighton surprised most of the audience by suggesting the Town does not want or need more control.  Councilman Wherheim’s  questions indicated he was weighing the options.

The Board tossed the issue back to Planning Director DeRubeis and asked for more information about the options.  While no decision was reached, there was a discussion.  The public got to learn about options and how planning and zoning impacts business and residential areas.  They got to view their well paid elected officials at a work session for the second time this year.  This is a good thing. 

I Don’t know if we will see it again any time soon, but as Warner Wolf was fond of saying, “go to the video tape”.  See for yourself how your government is supposed to work.  



People In The News - Floyd & Bernice Sarisohn

By Chad Kushins

When Floyd Sarisohn expects company at his home, he and wife Bernice raise the red flag. 

It’s not a warning, but rather, a sign that visitors have found the right house, the location of one of the largest and most eclectic chess collections in the country; the flag, once momentarily rested against the wind, vividly displays three chess pieces, ushering the inquisitive into the Sarisohn’s converted garage – the entrance to the makeshift museum. Read Article