





Cleaning up Jericho Tpke

By Erica Jackson
Heading down Jericho Turnpike into Commack anyone can see that the economy has taken its toll.  Gas stations and shops that were once bustling with business now sit vacant.  Weeds have taken up residence in the empty parking lots as had a stray junk car dealer that had locals up in arms.
The dealer say residents, just added to the blight in the area.  In a letter to SmithtownMatters.com, one resident wrote, “Commack boasts some lovely scenery.  Four corners by the sawmill on Harned Road is lush and the sound of the frogs croaking at night is a delight.  The shopping areas, schools and fire houses are landscaped, stylish and very clean.  Yet, the Smithtown side of Commack suffers from a particular blight.  There are a number of empty gas stations, some are in transition seeking new business operators and some are in the process of demolition. However, it is due to the number of empty lots on the Smithtown side of Jericho Tpke. that Commack has the Junk truck.  It rotates its location in abandoned service stations imploring, GOT JUNK CARS.”
The truck, according to Jeff Horton, senior investigator for the Town of Smithtown, is now gone and its owner will be facing charges in court.  “Nothing should be taking place in these empty lots,” said Horton.  “If anyone sees anything, they should contact me.” 
Horton says he is keeping a watchful eye over the area for any town code infractions to help with the blight situation, but he believes the area is in pretty good shape considering. He said, “Compared to other towns, we are in decent shape.  You don’t realize how good our town looks unless you drive through some other areas like in Huntington and Islip.”
Still, area residents hope the town can do something more to help improve the area. Bruce Ettenburg, president of the Commack Community Association says his organization is looking to improve the area with with a Veterans’ Memorial Park. He said, “Commack is the only hamlet in Smithtown that does not have a veterans memorial and we are trying to work with the town to get one.” He continued, “Jericho would be a likely place for it.”
Ettenburg says he would hope a park could help strum up some business in the area, but he also said that the town needs to start involving the stakeholders in its master plan process. The stakeholders, he said may have ideas that could be included in the master plan to help improve the area.
The master plan, now in the works for four years is expected to help guide town officials in planning the town’s future.  It will, said Frank DeRubeis, Smithtown town planner, address Jericho Turnpike as well as other areas in the town that are having similar issues.  
“The problem with Jericho,” said DeRubeis is that the zoning for the area dates back to the 1920s when “strip” zoning was the norm.  He said, “Businesses were located along a strip with residences behind them.”  It became apparent, he said, around 50 years ago that strip zoning was not a good idea. “It left more space for commercial uses than what can be absorbed,” he said.
To remedy the issue, DeRubies said the town must take a hard look at what the town’s land use needs are.  That hard look will come in the form of eight reports that are slowly being released by the town’s planning department as part of the master plan process.
According to DeRubies, after the town releases it’s reports, his department will then work on a corridor analysis that will include strategies to improve blighted areas, such as Jericho Turnpike. In the case of Jericho, DeRubies said he may recommend allowing for multifamily residences or suggest that the town install sewer lines in the area to allow for businesses such as restaurants.
DeRubies said, “Right now, you are limited in that area on what you can do because there are no sewers.” Once all reports are released and recommendations are made, DeRubies said the public will be invited to make comments.  An environmental impact statement will also be required before the Master Plan is finalized. It isn’t expected, however, that the plan will be made final anytime soon. DeRubeis said, We are looking at several years down the line.”

Congressman Bishop Wants You To Know About New Credit Card Rules


As of August 22, 2010, credit card companies must adhere to the following rules:


•              Your credit card company must justify increases in your Annual Percentage Rate (APR).

•              If your credit card company increases your APR, it must re-evaluate that rate increase every six months and, if appropriate, reduce your rate within 45 days after completing the evaluation.

•              Your credit card company cannot charge you a fee of more than $25 unless:

One of your last six payments was late, in which case your fee may be up to $35; or

Your credit card company can show that the costs it incurs as a result of late payments justify a higher fee.

•              Late payment fees cannot exceed the level of your minimum monthly payment.

•              Your credit card company can’t charge you inactivity fees, such as fees for not using your card.

•              Your credit card company can’t charge you more than one fee per event or transaction that violates your cardholder agreement. For example, you cannot be charged more than one fee for a single late payment.


Bank Robbery at TD Bank - Smithtown Branch

Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 12:45 p.m.

Suffolk County Police Major Case detectives are investigating a bank robbery that occurred today at a TD Bank branch in Smithtown. A man entered the bank, located at 714 Smithtown Bypass, and passed a note to a bank teller announcing a robbery.  The man fled with an undisclosed amount of cash toward the rear of the bank at 12:45 p.m.

A dye pack was concealed within the cash and it exploded soon after the suspect left the bank.  The suspect then dropped the cash and fled the scene.  He was last seen on foot heading toward the rear of Famous Dave’s Restaurant located next to the bank.

The man was described as black, 30-40 years old and 6 feet to 6 feet 2 inches tall.  He was wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans, a fishermen-style hat and glasses. 

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-220-TIPS. All calls will remain confidential.


Altschuler: We Need Tax Cuts to Jump-Start the Economy

Randy Altschuler, the conservative Republican candidate for Congress (NY-1), today called on Tim Bishop and Nancy Pelosi to “stop living in denial” and realize that the record drop in housing sales figures shows a deepening slide in the U. S. Economy. Altschuler was referring to figures released Tuesday by the National Association of Realtors which showed sales of occupied homes plunged 27.2% in July to its lowest level in 15 years, which is the largest monthly drop in over four decades of record keeping.

Randy Altschuler said, “The housing sales figures released Tuesday prove that despite the inside the beltway spin from the Obama administration, Nancy Pelosi and Tim Bishop, the economy is still in deep trouble and the bail-outs and give-aways simply aren’t working. Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Tim Bishop have to stop living in denial. Congress needs to set aside the political rancor and renew the GOP tax cuts that are set to expire at year’s end. Additionally, Congress needs to cut spending and institute new across the board tax cuts if we are to jump-start the economy and climb out of the recession.

“How can we expect individuals to make the largest single purchase in their lifetime when they are scared to death of the Tax Tsunami that, courtesy of the Democrats, is headed our way at the end of the year. Potential homebuyers are worried sick that the sluggish economy and the prospect of a huge federal tax hike will dig deep into their bank accounts, wiping out hope of a home purchase for the foreseeable future. The American people need tax cuts and they need them now.”


Dear Chris Cox Letter From Edward M. Walsh, Jr

August 23, 2010
Dear Christopher:

Last week I issued a news release urging you to “stop twisting the truth” and asking you to “stick to the facts.” Obviously you didn’t take my words to heart. You, your campaign staff, and your surrogates continue to issue news releases and spew tall tales that bear little or no resemblance to the facts.

So Christopher, the time has come to set the record straight.

Repeatedly you have chosen to attack the actions of the Suffolk Conservative Party, its Executive Committee and myself. You have insinuated backroom deals and political donations were responsible for a legally constituted Executive Committee denying you their endorsement by a near unanimous vote of 81-2.

Maybe that’s the political world you grew up in, but, the truth be told; you were rejected by the Executive Committee because you were not the best candidate.

You are always eager to bring up your family’s deep roots in the district, yet, you don’t own a home here, nor have you ever paid one cent in property taxes here. For voting purposes you claim to live at your uncle’s $15 million Westhampton Beach Estate. Conveniently, you never mention the fact that in October of last year, less than three months before registering to vote at your uncle’s estate, you purchased a $1.4 million co-op on Manhattan’s upper eastside, steps from Fifth Avenue, two floors above the your parent’s apartment. Everyone knows that’s where you live; it’s probably the worst kept secret in Suffolk County politics.

On your ads, in your literature and during our screening process you have repeatedly touted the American jobs you’ve created and the successes you’ve had in business. But, when questioned further you become evasive; you can’t identify the jobs and you refuse to discuss what your business OC Global Partners actually does.

It’s been reported that your firm does business in China and the Mid-East; but, you refuse to say with whom. The OC Global’s web-site states that it had dealings with the Saudi Government. Have you had dealings with other Arab countries or their ruling families or with the communist government of China?

Since its founding nearly fifty years ago the Conservative Party has been outspoken in its opposition to communism and since the attacks of 9/11 we have been vocal in our calls for action against regimes that harbor terrorists or help finance the breeding grounds of Radical Islam. It would be hypocritical of me not to demand forthright answers on these subjects.

Our economy is in crisis, unemployment is a major problem. You claim to have the answers, but you refuse to give the facts. Once and for all please tell us; where are the jobs you claim to have created?

You carry a protectionist banner in your attacks on Conservative Party nominee Randy Altschuler, claiming that he sent jobs overseas. But, you seem to ignore the facts; Randy Altschuler has created well over 700 jobs for hard working Americans. To the best of my knowledge your sole attempt at job creation has been the numerous hires and fires that have taken place on your campaign staff since January.

You and your surrogates cynically attack Randy Altschuler for creating jobs overseas but you always forget to mention that the majority of his customers were located overseas and that the number one rule of business is to service your customers. You worked for the New York City law firm, Weil Gottschal but, forgot to mention that a major part of their practice involves “restructuring” which in layman’s terms translates into downsizing and layoffs. The hard cold facts show that Chris Cox is a job killer, not a job creator!

Christopher, your campaign takes pleasure in labeling Randy Altschuler a “millionaire” as they insinuate that there is something wrong with that or that perhaps that he is attempting to buy this election. Well, truth be told; you are a millionaire too. What differentiates the two of you is that Randy Altschuler, through hard work and determination, earned every cent he has. You simply inherited it.

Your wild claims that Randy is buying this election ring hollow when one reads press reports that credit your uncle, Howard Cox, with donating $50,OOO to a local GOP town committee in the congressional district. A very generous gift, when you realize that Howard Cox lives in Massachusetts and merely summers in the Hamptons. But, it’s just one of many “donations” your family has given in their misguided attempt to purchase you a congressional seat.

And, while we are on the topic of wild claims you have made, let’s take a look at your meritless attempt to force an Opportunity to Ballot on the Conservative Party line. Simply put; you failed.

In the process, you attempted to smear the Suffolk County Conservative Party, its members and Executive Committee and even well respected Supreme Court Judge. The state Supreme Court ruled against you nevertheless; citing a string of technical deficiencies in your petitions, as well as fake signatures and paid petitioners who perpetrated fraud in your craven attempt to muddy the electoral waters.

Your lack of accomplishments and your habit of stretching the truth and refusing to be forthright are the reasons you did not receive the backing of the Suffolk County Conservative Party.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that that you cannot win this election and the only role you can possibly play is that of a spoiler. It’s time for you to do the “RIGHT THING” and drop out of this race before you do more damage to your reputation or to our chances of beating the very liberal Tim Bishop in November.


Edward M. Walsh, Jr.
Suffolk County Conservative Party