





Commack High School Has A New Principal - Catherine Nolan

After an extensive search and rigorous interview process, the Board of Education is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Catherine Nolan as the Principal of Commack High School.
Mrs. Nolan has served as a teacher and as an assistant principal at the high school, and we extend a warm welcome and wish her great success. 
The Commack School District Board of Education

MaryJo Masciello, President
Joseph Pennacchio, Vice President
Trustees:  Jeffrey Egan
                Deborah Guber
                Thomas L. Torneé

Blydenburgh County Park and Adjacent Areas To Be Treated for West Nile Virus


Weather permitting, the Suffolk County Department of Public Works is planning to treat sections of the following communities as part of their ongoing annual efforts to control adult mosquitoes.


The following treatments are for Vector Control:


Time and date of the application: August 3, 2010, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Approximate location(s): Davis Park and Point O’Woods on Fire Island

Sites to be treated:  – All streets in the Villages.

Method of Treatment: Ground spraying - Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Anvil (sumithrin)


Time and date of the application: August 4, 2010, 6:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Approximate location (s): Smith Point Park recreation area

Sites to be treated:  – The recreation area on Fire Island west of the parkway.

Method of Treatment: Ground spraying - Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Anvil (sumithrin)


Time and date of the application: August 4, 2010, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Approximate location(s): Ocean Bay Park, Summer Club and Atlantique on Fire Island

Sites to be treated:  – All streets in the Villages.

Method of Treatment: Ground spraying - Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Anvil (sumithrin)


Time and date of the application: August 4, 2010 7:30 PM-11:30 PM

Approximate location (s): South Shirley, Mastic Beach and Old Mastic

Sites to be treated: All streets south of Alcolade Drive West, Chanel Drive, Mastic Road and Riverside Avenue, from the Forge River to Bellport Bay, including Smith Point Park, campgrounds and Marina but excluding wetlands and buffer areas adjacent to water.

Method of Treatment: Ground spraying - Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Scourge (resmethrin)


The following treatments are for West Nile Virus


Time and date of the application: August 3, 2010, 8:00 PM-11:30 PM

Approximate location (s): Greenlawn

Sites to be treated: All roads in an area bounded on the west by Greenlawn Broadway, on the north by Pulaski Road, on the east by Stony Hollow Road and Elwood Road and on the south by Cuba Hill Road and Little Plains Road.

Method of Treatment: Ground spraying - Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Scourge (resmethrin)


Time and date of the application: August 3, 2010, 8:00 PM – 11:30 PM

Approximate location (s): Selden

Sites to be treated:  An area in Selden bounded on the west by Ruland Avenue, on the north by Hawkins Avenue, on the east by Dare Road and on the south by Middle Country Road.  

Method of Treatment: Ground spraying - Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Scourge (resmethrin).


Time and date of the application: August 5, 2010, 8:00 PM-11:30 PM

Approximate location (s): Blydenburgh County Park, and adjacent areas in Smithtown.

Sites to be treated: An area around and including Blydenburgh County Park, bounded on the west by Ledgewood Drive and Plymouth Boulevard, bounded on the north by Ridge Road, Gardiner Road, Meadow Road and Main Street, bounded on the east by Maple Avenue and Route 111, and bounded on the south by Route 347 and Route 454.

Method of Treatment: Aerial application- Ultra Low Volume Aerosol

Name of Pesticide: Scourge (resmethrin)


For current and future notices and/or further information:

•           Suffolk County Division of Vector Control   631-852-4270

•           Spraying Information Hotline 631-852-4939

•           Click on www.suffolkcountyny.gov/health then click on Mosquito Spraying.


Although your chances of experiencing any health effects from spraying are quite low, the following common sense steps will help you reduce possible exposure to pesticides before, during or after spraying.


Steps you should take:  Children and pregnant women should take care to avoid exposure when practical.  If possible, remain inside or avoid the area whenever spraying takes place and for about 30 minutes after spraying.  Close windows and doors and close the vents of window air-conditioning units to circulate indoor air or, before spraying begins, turn them off.  Windows and air-conditioning vents can be reopened about 30 minutes after spraying.  If you come in direct contact with pesticide spray, protect your eyes.  If you get pesticide spray in your eyes, immediately rinse them with water.  Wash exposed skin.  Wash clothes that come in direct contact with spray separately from other laundry.  Consult your health care provider if you think you are experiencing health effects from spraying.


Steps you may want to take:  The materials used by Vector Control do not leave significant residues on surfaces, but exposure can be reduced even further.  Pick homegrown fruits and vegetables you expect to eat soon before spraying takes place.  Rinse homegrown fruits and vegetables (in fact all produce) thoroughly with water before cooking or eating.  Bring laundry and small toys inside before spraying begins.  (Wash with detergent and water if exposed to pesticides during spraying.)  Bring pet food and water dishes inside, and cover ornamental fishponds during the spray period to avoid direct exposure.


Candidate Chris Cox Protecting The Opportunity To Ballot

After Unprecedented Petition Effort, Cox will Defend Grass Roots Call from Enrolled Conservatives for a Fair and Open Conservative Primary


SMITHTOWN, NY — Eleven days ago, Chris Cox, the real conservative Republican in the First Congressional District contest to unseat a liberal Democratic incumbent, achieved what no Suffolk political observer can recall having been done before – Cox forced an open Conservative Primary over the no-holds-barred opposition of the Party’s leaders and its millionaire designee.

Today, a package of Specific Objections -- the product of the scheme between the Conservative party bosses and their designee’s money to ignore the voice of registered Conservatives was delivered to the Suffolk County Board of Elections.  The Objections to the Opportunity to Ballot (OTB) petitions were filed in hopes of trampling the rights of Conservative parry members to have their say in choosing a true conservative to be their standard-bearer in November.

“When we sent our OTB petitions to the Board of Elections on July 22, I said that democracy works.  Now, I am vowing to defend democracy and the rights of those hundreds of Conservatives who, with courage and conviction, signed the OTB petitions and sent a message to the party bosses,” declared Cox.  “They want the right to choose their candidate, to choose a true conservative to defeat Timothy Bishop.”

“I’m confident that our petitions will be upheld by the Board of Elections.  If the bosses persist in attacking their own rank-and-file, I’m confident that the signatures will withstand their desperate challenges in a court of law,” Cox continued.  “Our opponents are unhappy that we’ve put the choice back in the hands of the people, where it always belonged.  I was honored to be able to work with so many people dedicated to ensuring a fair and open primary and we will defend vigorously their right to vote.”

“The success of the OTB effort was propelled by courageous Conservatives and Tea Party patriots, including the Suffolk County 9-12 Project and the Conservative Society for Action,” said Cox.

“Conservative voters in the First CD deserve a true conservative to represent them in Washington.  I will fight for limited government, economic opportunity, and conservative values.  I will be an Ambassador for job creation on Long Island and Suffolk County’s toughest defender in our Nation’s capital,” declared Cox.


Using the NYS Election Law’s “Opportunity to Ballot” (OTB) provisions, the Chris Cox for Congress campaign has sent OTB petitions containing 850 signatures to the Suffolk County Board of Elections in Yaphank on the July 22, 2010 deadline.  Only 554 signatures were required, a number equivalent to five percent of the total number of enrolled Conservatives in the First Congressional District.

The grassroots initiative overcame a steady stream of mailers, ‘robo-calls’ and invective from the Conservative Party establishment to gain valid signatures from registered Conservatives in excess of the number required by law.  A letter to party members from Suffolk Conservative Chairman Edward Walsh, as the back page of a mailing which labeled courageous Conservatives as “invaders,” even went so far as to shamefully insult the Opportunity to Ballot initiative – a clearly delineated part of the electoral process under NYS Election Law – as an attempt to “subvert” the process.


Suffolk County Police Warn Residents of Text Message Phishing Scam

The Suffolk County Police Departments Identity Theft Unit is warning residents of a cell phone text message phishing scam that has been reported in Suffolk County.

The text messages are designed to trick the receiver into divulging personal information through their cell phone. Several Suffolk County residents have notified police of text messages they have received that claim to be from different financial institutions requesting account information.

The Identity Theft Unit has warned Suffolk residents in the past about similar phishing schemes designed to trick potential victims into giving up their personal identifying information. The senders of the message usually claim to be from financial institutions, but also may state they represent government agencies and merchants that are requesting the information in order to update databases, recover from computer crashes or fix other problems with the victims accounts.

Other methods the identity thieves use to obtain personal information fraudulently include unsolicited phone calls or e-mails to the potential victims.

The public is reminded to never reveal their personal identifying information to anyone who has made an unsolicited contact by phone, e-mail, or text message. To prevent becoming a victim of a scam, the Identity Theft Unit recommends residents verify any request through independent means before releasing any of your personal information. Call the local office of the government agency or business through a publicly listed or verified phone number to verify that the caller and any request for personal information is legitimate and is actually required. Financial institutions will not request account information through these unsolicited communications.

For more information regarding identity theft prevention and resolution, visit the police departments website at www.suffolkpd.org and click on the ID Theft Unit link. 


Veterans Administration Will Investigate Life Insurance Practices

VA to Investigate Life Insurance Practices: The VA is investigating what may be a legal yet shameful life insurance industry practice of putting veterans' death benefits into corporate accounts instead of making lump sum payments to survivors.  Prudential Financial Inc. and MetLife Inc. are among the companies to be investigated, according to Bloomberg Markets magazine.  Another industry practice to be investigated is the payment of uncompetitive interest rates to survivors.  In 2008, for example, Prudential paid survivors 1 percent interest on their accounts, while it earned a 4.8 percent return on its corporate funds, according to Bloomberg.  Such accounts are not FDIC protected.  House VA Committee Chairman Bob Filner (D-CA) said he was "outraged" that insurance practices appear to result in "corporations retaining the assets in corporate accounts, profiting from the interest, and failing to pass accrued interest to surviving families. VA Washington Weekly July 30, 2010