





Rep. Israel Comes To Aid Of 9/11 Recovery Worker  


Central Islip, NY— Thursday, Congressman Steve Israel (D-Huntington) joined with a group of 9/11 Recovery Workers at the home of fellow worker whose lungs were damaged working at the WTC site. While waiting for the key naturalization interview to secure citizenship for his Columbian wife, he ran through two oxygen tanks and was forced to leave, missing the appointment. His wife was denied citizenship. Rep. Israel announced that he was able to get the case re-opened and secure her citizenship.

“When Chris Longley saw his community in need after the towers fell, he didn’t hesitate, he just went to help,” Israel said. “But when it was our turn to help him, he faced a bureaucratic roadblock. Chris and his family deserved better. I’m sorry it took a Congressman’s help to make things right, but I’m proud I was able to help a man who’s given so much for our community.”

In 2001, Christopher Longley owned a bottled water company, Water Pure and Simple, and immediately following the attack on the WTC volunteered his time and product to the rescue efforts by remaining on the WTC site for weeks to provide free water to the men and women working on the recovery efforts. As a result, Mr. Longley developed serious lung disease. He breathes with assistance of oxygen tanks 24/7 and is currently on the waiting list for a double-lung transplant.

Chris Longley is married to Melida Gutierrez Longley, a Columbian citizen. In June of this year, Mr. Longley and his wife, Melida Gutierrez Longley, went to a naturalization interview at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in Manhattan. When they arrived for the interview, they were told that Mrs. Longley’s file could not be found and they would have to wait. Mr. and Mrs. Longley waited so long for the interview that Mr. Longley had almost finished the 2 tanks of oxygen he had brought with him. When they informed the USCIS officer of the situation, they still would not accommodate them. Eventually, Mr. Longley ran out of oxygen and the Longley’s had to leave without being interviewed. Approximately a week later, Mrs. Longley received a notice denying her naturalization application.

Mr. Longley contacted Congressman Steve Israel who was able to get the case re-opened. Israel’s office pointed to a number of factual errors in Mrs. Longley’s file—errors that would have been corrected during the naturalization interview—and explained Mr. Longley’s health condition. Mrs. Longley’s case was re-opened and approved. She is now scheduled to take her naturalization oath on August 19, 2010 at the Eastern District Court.

At the announcement Thursday, Rep. Israel and the Longley family were joined by other 9/11 responders. The plight of 9/11 recovery workers and first responders has been in the news recently as Congress has considered The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. The bill would provide health care for those exposed to toxins released by the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. When considered last week the bill did not reach the necessary, two-thirds majority required for passage necessary under the expedient procedure by which it was brought to the floor for a vote. However, the strong majority of 255-159 makes it likely that the bill will garner majority support when it is brought to the floor again in the fall


Republicans Join Wilson "Smoothing" plan for pensions too costly!



LONG ISLANDERS SOCKED WITH ‘DINAPOLI TAX’ $1,300 Property Tax Hike Per Family Coming

New York, Aug. 5…New York State homeowners living outside of New York City can expect their property taxes to rise an extra $1,300 on average over the next six years because of a secretive pension borrowing scheme passed by the New York State Legislature Tuesday night, state comptroller candidate Harry J. Wilson (R-C-I) today said. Mr. Wilson has been warning about this tax hike, aka ‘The DiNapoli Tax’, for weeks.

The secretive borrowing scheme, the brainchild of unelected state comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli (D-WFP), authorizes the state to borrow money from the state pension fund to make constitutionally required payments to that very same fund, with interest.  The plan, which was devised to hide the massive under-performance of the pension fund relative to its 8% target return, will lead to higher property taxes everywhere in the state, except New York City, which maintains its own public employee retirement fund, Mr. Wilson said. Under New York State law, state and local governments are required to make up any shortfalls in the state pension fund, and that money is typically raised at the local level through property taxes, or other tax hikes.

 Mr. Wilson made his remarks at a news conference in Suffolk County, where he was joined by State Senator John Flanagan, Assemblymen Phil Boyle, Jim Conte, Mike Fitzpatrick and Dean Murry.  Mr. Wilson was also joined by Suffolk Legislators Tom Cilmi and Dan Losquadro. 

“New Yorkers are reeling from some of the highest property taxes in America, and thanks to Mr. DiNapoli, their taxes will be climbing even higher,” Mr. Wilson said. “Mr. DiNapoli was supposed to be looking out for taxpayers, but his irresponsible pension borrowing scheme puts the screws to them instead. It is Albany fiscal gimmickry at its worst, and, as usual, the people of New York State are now stuck paying for it.”

Mr. Wilson said that, based on the best available information, he estimates that under the DiNapoli scheme:

1.       In just the first six years, the State will borrow over $4.5 billion, and local governments will be able to borrow in excess of $6 billion, totaling roughly $11 billion in actual or potential borrowing. Because the most recent version of the plan is an indefinite program, this massive borrowing will only grow in later years;

2.      The associated interest expense, assuming the midpoint of the publicly stated range, or 5%, will be in excess of $3 billion for the state and local municipalities combined;

3.      Over the next six years, the pension contributions of state and local governments will roughly triple —- even assuming heroic but unlikely performance in the markets. For the average New York household, their share of these pension contribution costs will increase from just over $500 per household to over $1,800 per household - a $1,300 ‘DiNapoli Tax’ for every household outside New York City.

4.      It has been reported that these scenarios are based on the State Comptroller’s expectation that pension returns going forward will mirror returns from the period after the 1987 market crash. If those reports are correct, based on the current portfolio mix of the pension fund, the Dow Jones Industrial Average would have to hit 80,000 by 2022. If, instead, the Fund is basing its projections on its current, but also overly aggressive, 8% return assumption, then the Dow would have to hit nearly 30,000 by 2022. Both of these return scenarios dramatically exceed recent history and the expectations of professional investors. This enormous disparity highlights how important the Comptroller’s assumptions are to the policy debate, and he should provide transparency so that voters can evaluate exactly what he is proposing.

5. Mr. DiNapoli’s sole defense is that his plan is a “smoothing” plan that creates reserve accounts in good times. Yet two facts underscore why this defense is misleading:

a)      Under Mr. DiNapoli’s own projections, these reserve accounts don’t come into being for at least 15 years, and possibly much longer;

b)      In the only other time in New York State history that such a plan was tried, Alan Hevesi’s “one-time-only” plan also created reserve accounts but borrowed a tiny fraction of the amount available here. Those planned reserve accounts never came into use, yet New Yorkers still owe 60% of the original borrowing and pay nearly $100 million per year to pay off that borrowing. As unsuccessful as the Hevesi plan was, Mr. DiNapoli incredibly is seeking to expand it by 20 times or more - creating the largest Ponzi scheme in New York State history.

Mr. Wilson further said that, “given the lack of transparency provided by the comptroller on key assumptions surrounding this pension borrowing plan, we are limited in our ability to exhaustively analyze it, but based on our best estimates and the best available information, we believe the Comptroller is walking New York State into a fiscal disaster. We first raised this issue well over a month ago, and the Comptroller has yet to come clean with New Yorkers on his assumptions. We await him living up to his responsibilities to taxpayers.

Mr. Wilson again challenged Mr. DiNapoli today to show us other scenarios his office has run so we can see what happens to the Pension Fund if returns don’t mirror the best span the Fund has had. Mr. Wilson said the unelected incumbent state comptroller, who first proposed the controversial Pension borrowing scheme in May 2009, needs to explain this borrowing plan to the public.  Mr. Wilson specifically urged him to make clear exactly:


—How much will be borrowed over the next 6 years, both by the state government and by local governments?;

—How much interest expense will that borrowing cost NY taxpayers?;        

—How large will the contribution levels be in future years?, and
 —How much worse will these problems be under more realistic market scenarios?




It’s official Elena Kagan is the newest member of the United States Supreme Court. With a vote of 63 in support and 37 opposed Elena Kagan, 50, became the 112th justice and fourth female to sit on the US Supreme Court bench.  When Justice Kagan is sworn in it will be the first time  three women will be serving on the US Supreme court at the same time.

The nine Supreme Court Justices are John G. Roberts, Chief Justice.  Associate Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Bryer, Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Sonia Sotomayer, Elena Kagan.


Prostate Care Program at SBUMC Recognized 

Assemblyman Sweeney Cites Thousands of Screenings by Dr. Howard L. Adler and Staff

STONY BROOK, N.Y., August 4, 2010 – The Prostate Care Program at Stony Brook University Medical Center received a New Pictured, from left: Assemblyman Sweeney, Howard L. Adler, M.D., Prostate Care Program Medical Director, Arlene Shaw, R.N., Nursing Director, and Program staff.York State Proclamation from Assemblyman Robert K. Sweeney in recognition of the Program’s continuous prostate cancer screening efforts in Suffolk County. The 2010 Proclamation is the second one the SBUMC Program has received from Assemblyman Sweeney. The Program is now in its 15th year of partnership with the Assemblyman and the North Lindenhurst Fire Department. A written NY State Assembly Citation was presented to Howard L. Adler, M.D., Medical Director of the Program, Arlene Shaw, R.N., Nursing Director, and staff at a July 26 ceremony at the fire department.

The Citation reads, in part, that “The services provided by the Prostate Care Program at Stony Brook University Hospital have enabled many men to continue to lead healthy and productive lives through education, prevention and screening. Such service, which is truly the lifeblood of the community and the state, so often goes unrecognized, and unrewarded.”

The Prostate Care Program, part of the Department of Urology at SBUMC, has screened more than 15,000 men in Suffolk and Nassau Counties for the disease since the outreach program began approximately 16 years ago. The program has partnered with many organizations throughout the county to deliver the free screenings, including fire departments, police stations, churches, community centers, medical clinics and corporations. Each year at the North Lindenhurst Fire Department, hundreds of men are screened for early detection of prostate cancer by way of blood test and examination.

“Our program focuses on early detection, and this is a critical step that may help save many lives from being lost due to prostate cancer,” says Dr. Adler, who indicates that approximately 15 percent of those screened through the Program are recommended for a follow-up for abnormalities with PSA (prostate specific antigen) testing, prostate evaluation, or both.

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Annual screening is recommended for all men age 40 and over.

Throughout September the SBUMC Program will continue to conduct prostate cancer education sessions and free prostate cancer screenings at many locations in Suffolk and Nassau Counties. During Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, from September 20 to September 23, free screenings will be available at the Stony Brook Urology Tech Park office in East Setauket.

To register for screening during Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, or for more information about the Prostate Care Program, call HealthConnect at (631) 444-4000.


Health care credit card scheme preys on seniors and vulnerable patients 


Health care credit card scheme preys on seniors and vulnerable patients ~Cuomo subpoenas health care practices and credit card companies

NEW YORK, NY (August 4, 2010) – Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo today announced an industry-wide investigation into predatory health care lending where consumers, especially seniors and vulnerable patients, are misled about financing, causing them to be pushed into debt.

An investigation by Attorney General Cuomo found that some health care providers pressure consumers into using GE Money’s CareCredit, a health care credit card, through fast-talking sales pitches and deceit. The investigation also found that CareCredit often pays kickbacks in the form of rebates to the providers based on how much business they charge consumers on CareCredit cards.

The investigation was based in part on hundreds of consumer complaints received by the Attorney General’s Office. Consumers reported that health care providers promised that the credit card had “no interest,” when it often carried retroactive interest of over 25 percent if not paid in full during a promotional period. Consumers were also unknowingly charged up front for services they never received, and their attempts to obtain refunds were often thwarted or ignored. Meanwhile, CareCredit pays the health care providers in-full within 48 hours of the charge.

The investigation also found that CareCredit charges the providers a fee for the right to offer the cards, and then rebates part of the fee based on the amount of money the providers generated through CareCredit sales. This kickback arrangement, plus CareCredit’s payment in full to providers within two days of the charge, creates an incentive for providers to push consumers to use CareCredit rather than other methods of payment. In fact, providers pushed CareCredit over cash.

“Health care debt is the number one cause of individual bankruptcy, and this scheme is contributing to the economic burden being felt by consumers,” said Attorney General Cuomo. “People are being tricked by misleading offers that have them paying for services they never received as well as interest charges they never knew about – and they are ignored and given the runaround when they try to get their money back.”

Cuomo issued subpoenas to 10 providers that promote CareCredit, as well as to the companies that manage CareCredit, Chase Health Advance, Visa Health Benefits, and Citibank Health Card. The subpoenas seek marketing materials, applications, terms of credit, contracts and rebate agreements, policies and procedures, consumer complaints, and regulatory inquiries. This investigation is ongoing.

In addition, Cuomo is asking several nationwide and state-based medical associations, including the American Dental Association and the New York State Dental Association, to explain why they endorsed CareCredit and whether they received compensation for doing so. 

CareCredit is accepted by more than 125,000 health care practices nationwide. The New York State Dental Association asserts that more than 8 million dental patients and 80,000 dental practices use CareCredit nationwide. The credit card is advertised as a way to pay for services often not covered by insurance, including:

  • Chiropractic procedures
  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Dental procedures
  • Infertility treatment
  • Hearing procedures
  • Vision procedures
  • Weight loss procedures
  • Veterinary services

In recent years, Attorney General Cuomo’s Office received hundreds of complaints from consumers indicating that they were lured and misled by providers into applying for, accepting, and using CareCredit. Among the complaints received by the Attorney General’s Office regarding the scam: 

  • A Williamsville resident went to a dental provider with a toothache and was told he needed $9,000 in work done. He told the practice’s office manager that he had the ability to pay for the service in cash, but he was still persuaded to sign up for financing through CareCredit. He ended up having the work done elsewhere, but the full amount of charges was billed to his card, despite receiving no services from the practice.
  • An Onondaga County woman was told by a dental practice she needed a variety of procedures, and to get them she would have to sign a CareCredit agreement. After only having one $400 procedure done, which she paid for, she received a bill for $2,600. Her attempts to get a refund were rejected by both the provider and CareCredit.
  • An Oswego woman was given a $6,000 estimate for dental procedures. She was urged to sign up for CareCredit, and was told this was an interest-free, monthly payment plan. However, she was charged up-front before the procedures were done, plus interest.
  • A Monroe County man signed up for CareCredit to pay for an estimated $5,600 in services from his provider, but it was not made clear he was agreeing to a credit card. He left the medical office and sought treatment elsewhere, but continued to receive bills from CareCredit, which insisted he was delinquent on payments, resulting in a negative credit report and the reduction of his other lines of credit.
  • A Syracuse-area consumer was told by his chiropractor that he needed two years of treatment and he was signed up for a CareCredit card without his consent. He was charged $3,000, which CareCredit refused to rescind. When the consumer switched to a different provider because the treatments at his chiropractor worsened his condition, the practice refused to release his medical records, claiming he still owed them money. 
  • A woman from Tioga County went to a provider where an application to CareCredit was “thrown in (her) face.” No other financing options were offered to her, and she was charged $5,000 for a procedure that failed multiple times and for which another provider later charged only $1,200.

Chuck Bell, Programs Director for Consumers Union, nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports, said, “Attorney General Cuomo’s investigation shines a badly-needed spotlight on deceptive practices used to market health care credit cards to elderly and low-income consumers. We are concerned that some health care providers are aggressively marketing these high-interest credit cards to patients, without providing appropriate disclosures, protections, or refunds. Consumers Union strongly supports the Attorney General’s investigation, and applauds his ongoing efforts to protect consumers across the nation.”

Catherine Dunham, President of The Access Project, a resource center for local communities working to improve health and health care access, said, “With the cost of health care already an enormous burden on Americans, we must do everything we can to filter out abusive or deceptive practices in how providers take payment for care. Attorney General Cuomo’s investigation into health care credit cards will help protect millions of patients across the country who are struggling with debt. We applaud his efforts and look forward to continuing to partner with him to protect patients.”

Consumers wishing to file complaints regarding deceptive health care credit card practices are urged to contact the Attorney General’s Office at HealthCreditCards@ag.ny.gov or 800-428-9071 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              800-428-9071      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Consumer tips and more information about the investigation, including an example of the letters sent to trade groups, can be found online at www.ag.ny.gov.

The investigation is being conducted by Assistant Attorney General Carol Hunt of the Health Care Bureau under the supervision of Executive Deputy Attorney General for Social Justice Mylan Denerstein and Special Counsel to the Attorney General Linda A. Lacewell. 

Subpoenas to Health Care Providers:

  • Allcare Dental Management Inc. - Buffalo
  • American Laser Centers - Farmington Hills, MI
  • Aspen Dental Management, Inc. - East Syracuse
  • East Syracuse Family Dental Arts - East Syracuse
  • Laser Cosmetica - New York City
  • Lifestyle Lift - Troy, MI
  • Northern Lights Chiropractic - Watertown
  • S & Y Diamond Dental P.C. - Brooklyn
  • Sunshine Dental - Watertown
  • Toothsavers - New York City

Letters to Groups Endorsing CareCredit:

  • American College of Eye Surgeons
  • Society for Excellence in Eyecare
  • American Dental Association
  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • American Academy of Periodontology
  • American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • New York State Dental Association
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American Society of Dermatologic Surgery
  • American Animal Hospital Association
  • New York State Veterinary Medical Society
  • American Hearing Aid Associates
  • American Society of Bariatric Physicians
  • Lite and Hope