





SUFFOLK CLOSEUP - Part 2 Leaf Blowers Health And Environmental Threat


By Karl Grossman

Gas-fired leaf blowers—a terrible health and environmental threat.

First, about the noise racket caused by gas-fired leaf blowers. Regarding “noise pollution, gasoline-powered leaf blowers create noise levels of 90-100 decibels at close range and exceed the EPA’s recommended maximum noise level even at 50 feet. Excess noise produces an increase in blood pressure, adrenaline, heart rate and stress; it also damages hearing,” notes the Asthma Coalition of Long Island, headquartered in Hauppauge.  

“Leaf blowers are routinely used less than 50 feet from unconsenting pedestrians and neighboring homes that may be occupied by homeworkers, retirees, day sleepers, children, the disabled,” states a fact sheet on “leaf blower noise” from the East Hampton-based organization “Ban The Blowers.” 

The “Ban The Blowers” piece—titled “I Can’t Hear You”—goes on that “the World Health Organization recommends general daytime outdoor noise levels of 55 dBA [decibels] or less…Don’t be fooled by comparison of 65 decibels from a leaf blower to the volume of normal conversation that you had not invited and could not control….Acoustic experts say blower noise is especially irritating because of its particular pitch, the changing amplitude, and the lack of control of the hearer.”

As Kenneth Maue has written in an article in the Right to Quiet newsletter: “When harsh noise hits, instead of reaching out to greet the world with open ears, we shrink back into shells, or try to; in truth the ears can’t shut, nor like the eyes turn away. Noise controls space like an occupying army, travels through walls, enters houses, molests bodies, violates privacy, stops thought, batters each of us into isolation.”

Ever since they were introduced in the early 1970s, gas-fired leaf blowers have been causing intense noise. They have been zealously defended by many in the landscaping industry—in denial that far quieter, far less polluting lithium-powered electric leaf blowers are now available. As claimed a spokesperson for the Nassau Suffolk Landscape Gardeners Association, which is said by Newsday to be “representing 1,600 industry professionals,” they are needed “to effectively do jobs to customer satisfaction.”

As to health and environmental damage gas-fired leaf blowers cause, a leading regional environmental group is Citizens Campaign for the Environment, with 80,000 members and offices in Farmingdale on Long Island as well as in upstate New York and Connecticut. It explains: “While blowing leaves, gas leaf blowers also pick up dust and debris, potentially releasing significant particulate matter into the air. This particulate matter can include mold, pollen, feces, pesticides, and heavy metals which exacerbate asthma and other respiratory problems and cause long-term damage to the heart and lungs. In fact, particulate matter is the second highest cause of lung cancer after smoking.”

The organization goes on: “Gas leaf blowers are inefficient machines, emitting greenhouse gases including carbon and nitrogen oxide….These emissions also contain Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons—PAHs—and Benzene, two known human carcinogens. In Suffolk County, which has been given an ‘F’ for air quality by the American Lung Association for the last 14 years, there is no reason to continue to allow unregulated gas leaf blowers to release contaminants and increase air pollution.”

Or as Grasroots Environmental Education headquartered in Great Neck, a prominent group advancing ecological education on Long Island, states: ”Along with toxic volatile chemicals, gas leaf blowers release a particularly high level of particulate matter that is easily inhaled by people in the immediate and surrounding areas. Particulate matter is especially harmful for children, as their lung passages are narrow and this dangerous substance is easily trapped in deep lung tissue…Our organization has done extensive research on the ability of pesticides to adhere to particular type of soil. Leaf blowers create a lot of dust—especially when it is dry—and send these soil particulates into the air and into people’s homes through screens and windows…This translocation of lawn pesticides into people’s homes is another public health issue associated with the widespread use of blowers.”

Or as the Huntington Breast Cancer Coalition, in its opposition to gas-fired leaf blowers, declares: “We believe it is of utmost importance to Prioritize Prevention by identifying and mitigating the environmental causes of breast cancer and other life-long illnesses.” Gas-fired leaf blowers produce “endocrine disruptors and can be linked to asthma, cancer and other life-long illnesses.” 

It has been an uphill fight to restrict gas-fired leaf blowers on Long Island—although nationally they are now banned in Israel and their use limited in 400 communities across the United States. 

What might be done in Suffolk County or on the New York State level? That next week.

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books. 


Amy's Perspective - Overdevelopment Was Not A Campaign Promise

By Amy Fortunato

As a strong and solid reminder, I would like to reiterate the campaign promises expressed during last year’s (11/2017) Town Supervisor and Town Council elections.  It wasn’t so long ago; but our human nature includes the tendency to forget, even the most important campaign commitments.  Obviously, there were a lot of ‘if elected, promises’ made.  Closer to the end of the campaigning season, lawn signs even appeared with a claim to reduce taxes, unlikely.  But, each of the candidates committed to transparency and dedication to complete and then adopt a Comprehensive Master Plan for Smithtown, which includes all five hamlets.  How soon we forget.  Okay, I get it – but this is the reminder notification.   Before any other issues are addressed, now is the time to act with integrity to serve the public of Smithtown as elected officials.  This ‘sell by’ date is past due. 

A Comprehensive Master Plan is an inclusive, intentional town plan based on our Smithtown town resident’s survey consensus and the essential issues that impact our community.   As promised, this plan must be recognized as absolutely necessary before any construction or renovation projects are considered, especially when a special exception is under advisement.  Historically, Smithtown’s current town codes were written to protect the interests and investments of the Smithtown residents at the time of their codification.  The campaign promise to address our local issues with transparency and integrity requires our Town Supervisor and Town Council to conduct business in an open and straightforward manner.  The onus is on our local town government to reach out and include any and all potentially interested residents rather than the ‘bare minimum’ approach.   The campaign promise to complete and adopt a Comprehensive Master Plan takes precedence over any other issues as the basis and foundation for their future administration.       

There are various proposed developments and issues throughout Smithtown that support the necessity of the Town Supervisor and Town Council to follow through by keeping their campaign commitments before addressing or acting on additional projects.  The negative implications of approving any special exceptions occur because the precedence for more construction to be approved would be based on the special exception.  Honoring those campaign promises to secure a prosperous future while sustaining our historic past in Smithtown is categorically essential.  REMINDER: Now is the time to keep those campaign commitments, rather than an administration that disregards the circumspect approach to our local government by completely and adopting a Comprehensive Master Plan.  REMINDER: Transparency is the clear and obvious approach to supervision with integrity. 

As an example of the necessity to live by these campaign commitments before addressing or acting on additional projects, please think about the implications of the proposed special exception requested by the Watermill Caterers.  The precedence set by allowing the Watermill Caterers to build a four-story hotel would introduce a different standard for any other business to build up to that height limit.  The proposed four-story height level changes the landscape and character of our town.  Smithtown single family residents comprise 85% of the town’s land use and population. A survey of Smithtown’s taxpaying residents is the only way to know whether the consensus exists for this relegation of our current code for height restriction.   Please commit to our campaign commitments before any further administration in Smithtown.    

Amy Fortunato is a Smithtown resident who ran on the Democratic line for Smithtown Town Council in 2017. 


Theater Review - 'In The Heights'

Theater Review – ‘In the Heights’

Produced by John W. Engeman Theater – Northport

Reviewed by Jeb Ladouceur


The production team at Northport’s plush Engeman Theater certainly knows how to pick ‘em. Their newest offering is a stimulating show that depicts a three-day slice of life ‘In the Heights.’ Not Brooklyn Heights (the upscale area across the river from Wall Street) … nor Jackson Heights (that’s a landlocked neighborhood in Queens) … this is about Washington Heights, bordered by two rivers, up near the northern tip of Manhattan.

German immigrants first populated the area’s high bluffs, but demographics changed radically over time and by the turn of the Twenty-First Century, so many immigrants from the Caribbean Islands had moved to Washington Heights that candidates for the presidency of the Dominican Republic began to hold campaign parades there! It’s this irrepressible Hispanic element, coupled with pathos and near-feverish dance moves that make ‘In the Heights’ such an interesting musical.

And ‘Heights,’ though a bit controversial, is obviously a winner, having garnered thirteen Tony nominations and four first place trophies (including Best Musical) after its opening at the Richard Rogers Theatre in 2008. Dissimilarly, fifty years earlier, the highly touted ‘West Side Story’ had gained less than half that number of recommendations and won in only the ‘Choreography’ and ‘Set Design’ categories.

Inevitably, there will be those who assume that the current Engeman offering is a North End version of ‘West Side Story. Not so. At the risk of being labeled some kind of Thespian heretic, I will confess that ‘West Side Story’ has never been my cup of tea. I dislike the show’s constant drumbeat of machismo nonsense (although it must be said the frenetic ‘Heights’ production too has its share of that) … and the repetitious nature of what Bernstein and company apparently intended to be timeless romantic anthems, often renders their version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ rather tedious. 

But ‘In the Heights’ is a somewhat more interesting story—Nina, the ‘bright girl who made it out’ of The Heights—is back from her Freshman year at Stanford; trouble is, ‘the pride of her neighborhood, The Corner,’ isn’t home on break … unable to pay Stanford’s steep tuition (despite working two jobs), she’s suffered academically, and been forced to drop out of the prestigious institution.

The most distressing trouble Nina gets into stems from her failure early on to have told her hard-working parents the truth about her academic collapse several months prior. In other words, it’s the cover-up that proves to be the worst part of her sad experience. Nina finally fesses-up, though, and finds out who really loves her.

Throughout this show, fate intervenes in Twenty-First Century ways. In one particularly recognizable modern-day surprise, the play benefits from a healthy shot of realism often lacking in so many modern musicals. There’s a city-wide power failure, for example—many will remember the real thing when they see John Burkland’s clever staging of the blackout … go and experience for yourself what the other familiar touches are.

To select an all-star group from among the several actors performing at The Engeman thru April 29 is not to diminish a single member of the cast. Many of the ‘also featured’ players are every bit as pleasing to watch as are the stars: Spiro Marcos (Usnavi), Josh Marin (Benny), Cherry Torres (Nina), and standout Chiara Trentalange (Vanessa).

Director Paul Stancato, and Choreographer Sandalio Alvarez, must have been paying close attention when my associate, critic Charles Isherwood, conceded in The Times this musical erupts in … collective joy … the energy it gives off could light up theGeorge Washington Bridge. He hit the nail squarely on the head. Charles could have been speaking for all of us who had just seen Northport’s rousing rendition of ‘Heights,’ though I might have added kudos for Musical Director Alec Bart and the rest of the creative team that includes: Christopher Ash (scenic design), Christopher Vergara (costumes), John Burkland (lighting design), and Don Hanna (sound).

One wonders how The Engeman comes up with so many capable theatrical craftsmen, show after remarkable show.

One caveat: you won’t like ‘In the Heights’ if you detest rap musicals, as some of us admittedly do. But if the non-stop rat-a-tat of‘street opera’ turns you on, go see the twenty performers currently vocalizing and gyrating at Northport’s Engeman Theater. I’m told they’ve turned in a faithful rendition of what goes on in upper Manhattan.


Award-winning writer, Jeb Ladouceur is the author of a dozen novels, and his theater and book reviews appear in several major L.I. publications. His recent hit, THE GHOSTWRITERS, explores the bizarre relationship between the late Harper Lee and Truman Capote. Ladouceur’s newly completed thriller, THE SOUTHWICK INCIDENT, was introduced at the Smithtown Library in May. The book involves a radicalized Yale student and his CIA pursuers. Mr. Ladouceur’s revealing website is www.JebsBooks.com


Amy's Perspective - Watermill Caterers' Proposal A Four Story Hotel

By Amy Fortunato 

The proposed special exception required by the Watermill Caterers to build a 4 story hotel is a risky construction gamble that threatens to comprehensively change the quality of life in Smithtown.  This project sets a new height precedence with the potential to completely alter the town’s character and negatively impact property values.  The Watermill is well known as a favorite venue of the Smithtown Republican party, just check the website!  The special exception exceeds the current code regulation in Smithtown for 2 story buildings.   This height code ensures a limitation to overbuilding and over-development in our town.    (Smithtown’s town code is 2.5 height restriction for residential or business or a 35 ft. limitation.)

As candidates for Town Supervisor and Town Council, Ed Wehrheim, Lynn Nowick, Tom McCarthy and Tom Lohman all campaigned for transparency along with the promise to complete  adopt a Comprehensive Master Plan for Smithtown’s future.  It seems that our elected town officials are moving ahead without fulfilling either of those campaign promises.  Each candidate referred to a commitment to transparency and the value of a Comprehensive Master Plan.  These campaign promises are not being considered when outside a contractor with huge construction projects have recently been presented for special exception and concession rather than defend current height restriction in Smithtown.   

The proposed special exception to permit the Watermill Caterers to build a four (4) story hotel has caused concern on the two Smithtown social media groups where I posted a response to the proposal.  There were more than 200 replies to my post for responses from Smithtown residents.  I posted some basic information about the special exception proposed.   Almost immediately after posting, the comments appeared.  The posts described the various concerns with traffic, environmental impact to sensitive land, impact to the nearby neighborhood homes, height issue – 4 story precedence, parking limitation, and the lack of available space for the proposed hotel.  Some comments mentioned disappointment that the 2 pm hearing time is problematic because many residents were not able to attend.

My purpose for posting on social media was to simply check the climate of the Smithtown community’s response to the proposed 4 story hotel.  Smithtown tax paying residents are invested in their property values and quality of life.  The precedence set by approving a special permit to allow the construction of a 4 story hotel would support future approvals of special permits.  Smithtown’s elected officials need to know the concerns.  The prevailing consensus from our town’s community is serious apprehension.  The negative impact to our environment and quality of life is threatened by this special exception.  A town-wide survey would clarify Smithtown’s residents’ concerns and aspirations.   

Amy Fortunato is a Smithtown resident who ran on the Democratic line for Smithtown Town Council in 2017.


SUFFOLK CLOSEUP - Spring Is Coming So Are The Leaf Blowers


By Karl Grossman

What noise-makers! And what health threats!

Gas-fired leaf blowers are under attack regionally—and way beyond.

In January, East Hampton Village Mayor Paul F. Rickenbach Jr. and the East Hampton village board brought up the possible regulation of leaf blowers. “I think the intent is there that we want to move ahead vis-à-vis the environment and the ecology of our wonderful village,” said Mayor Rickenbach.

Board member Arthur Graham called gas-leaf blowers “something that drive residents of this village crazy” and “a self-created problem by the landscape community…And there’s a fair amount of sentiment in the village to ban them outright.”

Over in Greenport, its village board, also in January, voted down proposed limits on the use of gas-powered leaf blowers. Backers of restrictions cited both noise and health risks including the spreading of airborne particulates. Opponents of limits in Greenport claimed this could increase the cost of yard clean-ups.

Restrictions have been advanced for gas-fired leaf blowers all over the area—and far afield.

In Huntington a group called Huntington CALM (Citizens Appeal for Leafblower Moderation) has been challenging them for years. Huntington CALM advocates “sustainable landscape maintenance practices and the elimination of the use of gas leaf blowers.” It states on its Facebook page that it “educates citizens of Huntington about the harm caused” by them. 

Dr. Lucy Weinstein, M.D. and MPH, chair of the New York Chapter 2 of the American Academy of Pediatrics Environmental Health Committee, and Dr. Bonnie Sager, founded Huntington CALM.

When it comes to gas-fired leaf blowers, a vested interest has been created by the landscapers who use them. They have been lobbying—as they did in Greenport—to insist the machines continue to be used. 

But as it goes in the pushing of all sorts of polluting processes and products, the claim that there is not a suitable alternative is not true. Up in New England, George P. Carrette, owner and founder of Ecoquiet Lawn Care of Concord, Massachusetts, emphasizes: “We use only zero emission, gasoline-free lawn maintenance equipment.” 

There is the alternative of battery-powered leaf blowers, he emphasizes. “There are several things to consider when converting from gas to lithium battery equipment. A huge advantage to using battery equipment…is how easy it is to market and sign up customers. The idea markets itself.”

Battery-powered leaf blowers make a small fraction of the noise of gas-fired leaf blowers and they produce a fraction of the pollution.

“When I started I had five customers,” Mr. Carrette relates. “I put lawn signs out advertising clean, quiet lawn care. I immediately got 35 inquiries from neighboring properties and communities. I was a one-man operation at the time and I was terrified about how I could meet this instant demand.”

“My first year, I was so busy I had to work holidays [but] I had no…complaints from customers or neighbors since did I did not make noise or disturb their privacy….I did not come home reeking of gasoline fumes, my wife didn’t hate doing my laundry. I didn’t lug around heavy gas cans and deal with tune-ups, degreasers, belts, hoses, etc. A true pleasure,” he said.

“Running an all-electric landscaping company is a bit different and there is a learning curve involved…You will enjoy…very happy customers. They like the fact that they are choosing a better option for the environment, their families’ health, and get to enjoy their peace and quiet. The whole neighborhood appreciates it and business just keeps getting better and better.”

And Goerge P. Carrette is not just a green landscaper in New England. 

Among areas that gas-fired leaf blowers now are banned or restricted in the United States are (since 1977) Great Neck Estates on Long Island; Sonoma and Palm Springs, California, and Biscayne Bay, Florida (banned all-year round); Maplewood, New Jersey (banned in the summer) Palm Beach, Florida (banned year-round on property under an acre); Newton, Massachusetts (banned in the summer)—and “more than a dozen communities in Westchester County have restricted or banned gas-fueled leaf blowers without the demise of the lawn care industry. When will Long Island catch up?” asks Dr. Weinstein. Altogether, some 400 hundred communities across the U.S. have enacted restrictions on gas-fired leaf-blowers. Israel has banned them entirely.

Details on the noise racket and intense pollution gas-fired leaf blowers cause next week.

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books.