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Theatre Review: Theatre Three's 23rd Annual Festival Of One-Acts

Go See Theatre Three’s 23rd Annual Festival of One-Acts

As a playwright and theatre critic, I’m always thrilled to see new works staged. After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Theatre Three’s Festival of One-Act Plays has triumphantly returned, much to the delight of its audiences. This year’s festival features six exciting world premieres that are diverse, running the gamut from absurdist comedy to the darkest of dramas.

Short, one-act plays allow a theatre to explore a wide array of topics, some of which would not be able to sustain the longer demands of a full-length play. Still, other issues might be too controversial for theatrical venues to produce on their main stage. Short plays also allow the audience to be transported from one world into a completely different world in a blink of an eye. Most importantly, these short plays give audiences a chance to see new works by some of the most promising playwrights in the world.

Theatre Three CONFESSIONS OF A SUCCESSFUL PLAYWRIGHT by Phil Darg with Stephen T. Wangner, Tamralynn DorsaWhat makes this festival a favorite among playwrights around the globe is the professional production their plays receive here. Festival founder Jeffrey Sanzel had the arduous task of selecting, from more than 500 submissions worldwide, six plays that would get their world premieres. Mr. Sanzel then had to cast these shows and direct them. All six of these one-acts blossomed under the razor-sharp direction of Mr. Sanzel, and a whole creative team of designers and actors worked their theatrical magic as well. These plays are performed on Theatre’s Three’s intimate Ronald F. Peierls Second Stage, allowing the audience to be upfront and personal with the onstage action.

Having entered countless numbers of these festivals myself, I got a real kick out of the opening play by Phil Darg, Confessions of a Successful Playwright. This play is a riotous take on One-Act Festivals and the extreme lengths a modern-day playwright takes to see his works produced. Stephen T. Wangner as the playwright, Wade, and Tamralynn Dorsa, as the reporter interviewing him, were both exceptional in their respective roles.

Theatre Three THE TURN-AROUND by Cary Pepper & Steve Ayle.The Turn-Around, by Cary Pepper, featured two of my favorite Theatre Three veterans, Steve Ayle and Antoine Jones. Steve Ayle used his facial expressions and body language brilliantly to portray Lester, a man who loves his guns and assault weapons. Antoine Jones was equally powerful as Robert, Lester’s next-door neighbor, and nemesis.   

Theatre Three BAD CHINA by Joshua Young with Steven Uihlein, Evan Teich, Brittany LaceyBad China, by Joshua Young, is a harrowing play, timely and thought-provoking, as it explores the dark world of addiction, and the extremes addicts will go to get a fix. Steven Uihlein gave a riveting performance as Nos, a junkie drug dealer. Evan Teich as Del, and Brittany Lacey as Reba, gave electrifying, unforgettable performances. Kudos to all three of these fine actors for having the courage to tackle these challenging roles.

Benign Departures, by Tony Pasqualini, is a futuristic look at ourTheatre Three BENIGN DEPARTURES by Tony Pasqu…ralynn Dorsa healthcare system in the mid-21st century. Mary Ellin Kurtz gave an award-winning performance as an aged, homeless woman. Ms. Kurtz is a master of her craft. The exacting way she delivered her well-crafted lines proved that she was adept at performing both comedy and drama. Her subtle body movements, including labored breathing and stiffness of joints, and her every nuanced facial expression made you feel the pain, both physically and emotionally, that this character was experiencing. Tamralynn Dorsa, as the doctor with a tough decision to make, brought warmth and likability to a part that basically called for callousness and the ability to make cold calculations.

Theatre Three THE BEAT GOES ON by Arianna Rose…Sari FeldmanThe Beat Goes On was written by one of my favorite playwrights, Arianna Rose. This one-act play uses personification to bring various forms of music containment to life, including L.P., cassette, 8-track, CD, and MP3. The very talented cast, including Sari Feldman, Steve Ayle, Antoine Jones, Brittany Lacey, Steven Uihlein, and Evan Teich, made this play hilarious to watch. Sari Feldman was outstanding as Cass because her dance moves and hand gestures were spot-on. The fabulous costumes by Jason Allyn made this play a standout. I loved Brittany Lacey’s shiny mini dress and sparkling silver shoes, Steven Uihlein’s light-up costume, and Steve Ayle’s 70s style rock outfit.

Theatre Three PLAY DATE by Frank Tangredi with Bradlee Bing, Stephen T. Wangner, & Eric J. HughesPlay Date, by Frank Tangredi, is a warm, whimsical look at fatherhood from two differing perspectives. Bradlee Bing gave a heartrending performance as Lou. He seemed to have a deep understanding of the character he portrayed. The onstage chemistry and delightful bantering between him and Tyler, a young father who Eric J. Hughes captivatingly portrayed, made this play a winner.

Entertaining, enlightening, and engaging Theatre Three’s Festival of One-Acts is one of the highlights of Long Island’s 2022 theatrical season. If you’re a fan of theatre festivals, then this one won’t disappoint, and if you’ve never attended one, then, please, go and see some cutting-edge plays.

Special thanks go out to the Lippencott Financial Group for sponsoring this festival which runs now through April 2. For tickets, please visit their website at www.theatrethree.com. For more information, call 631-928-9100.

Cindi Sansone-Braff is an award-winning playwright. She has a BFA in Theatre from UCONN and is a member of the Dramatists Guilds. She is the author of Grant Me a Higher Love, Why Good People Can’t Leave Bad Relationships and Confessions of a Reluctant Long Island Psychic. www.Grantmeahigherlove.com.

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