SHSE Grad Anthony Tarquinio Joins Senator Mattera's Office

Senator Mattera Welcomes Smithtown Session Volunteer
Senator Mario R. Mattera (2nd Senate District) recently welcomed Anthony Tarquinio to his Albany office as a session volunteer. A 2020 graduate of Smithtown High School East, Anthony is currently in his senior year of study at the University of Albany where he is majoring in Homeland Security and Cyber Security.
During his tenure with Senator Mattera, Anthony will assist staff with legislative matters and constituent assistance to enhance the lives of the residents of the 2nd Senate District. A member of the University of Albany’s ice hockey team, Anthony is on course to graduate this coming spring.
“I am very pleased to welcome Anthony to our staff and know that he will be a tremendous resource for the residents of our area. I thank him for taking the time to join our team for the Legislative Session and look forward to working with him over the next few months,” stated Senator Mattera.
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