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Oil Gushes into the Gulf of Mexico; More Drilling Planned

Written by John Dennehy

Last month President Obama approved a plan to increase offshore oil drilling; maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. 

As massive amounts of oil gush into the Gulf of Mexico and creep towards Louisiana it is becoming more and more difficult to defend additional oil drilling.  The energy giants such as British Petroleum and Halliburton have spent years trying to put a clean spin on dirty energy but perhaps the disaster in the Gulf can do more to change our mind than the industries advertising and lobbying campaigns.  British Petroleum, the same company responsible for one of the largest oil spills in recent memory, even went so far as to call itself Beyond Petroleum and tout its ambition towards a greener future.  And then their oil rig malfunctioned, their workers died and the Gulf of Mexico burned.  Is this the future they were talking about?  Are these the new technologies that will prevent significant environmental impact?

I know; the nation is still hurting from the recession and fossil fuels are the cheapest way to keep the lights on in the house.  I know; the energy infrastructure that has been built around fossil fuels can not be replaced overnight.  I know; alternative energies still have some ways to go before they can replace coal, oil and gas. 

Still, this latest disaster should at least give us pause enough to think; is it wise to drill more holes and spend any more money or effort on an energy infrastructure that not only is having serious environmental consequences but will almost certainly be replaced by cleaner and cheaper energies in half a generation. 

I’m not saying that we need to tear apart any existing oil rigs, but does it make any sense to continue to build news ones.  

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