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Hauppauge Middle School Students Earn 21 Million Steps

 Win Albany Challenge


Hauppauge Middle School students enjoy a visit to Muscoot Farm where they learned about agriculture and healthy foods.

 (L-r):  Hauppauge School District Athletic Director Joseph Tasman, First Lady of New York State Michelle Paterson and Hauppauge Middle School physical education teacher Diana Lopez.


Middle school students throughout the tri-state area were offered a challenge by the First Lady of New York State Michelle Paige Paterson -- could students make their health a top priority?  Seventh grade students in Diana Lopez’s sixth period physical education class answered with a resounding YES and took an impressive 21 million steps to prove it!

For six weeks, teams participated in the Healthy Steps to Albany: First Lady's Challenge, collectively earning “steps” for physical exercise and healthy eating.  Using the program’s activity conversion chart to convert their results into steps, the class earned the most steps and was named challenge winners.

As result of their win, the class visited Muscoot Farm County Park to learn about whole foods, and was treated to a healthy luncheon at the Executive Mansion with the First Lady and the Governor.


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