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It's History


Photo by Shannon Troccoli

Dear Community Members, Public Officials, Historians, Newspapers and Media:
After many months of diligent work on the part of local Hauppauge community members, historians, local, county and state public officials, school district administration and Board of Education, there are no options left to save the Hauppauge Village Hall, dating back to 1887, for the June 1, 2010 demolition deadline.
At a meeting with the New York State Department of Transportation on November 5, 2009, it was determined and to be enforced that the Hauppauge Village Hall was to be removed from its current location at the intersection of Rt. 347 and Rt. 454 on or before June 1, 2010, or it would be demolished in preparation for the approved NYS DOT Rt. 347 Project slated to start by an approved RFP contractor with a firm June 1, 2010 implementation date or potential penalties would be imposed to NYS.
Over the past months, we have made diligent efforts to have a relocation of the Hauppauge Village Hall to possible properties located at the Hauppauge School District, Town of Islip, Town of Smithtown, Suffolk County and New York State. Due to the NYS State Education Department restrictions, NYS Division of Corporations restrictions, the cost of the move, renovations to bring up to the required fire code and the ongoing maintenance, it has made the reality very grim to have this one of the last few Hauppauge buildings from the late 1800s being kept for our Hauppauge community for future generations.

With less than one month away from the demolition date, the only hope is that of a potential white knight could save it. Anyone or company interested, please contact us at our email address at: savhaupvillhall@optonline.net. With deep regret, our expectations are that this will not occur.
Our sincere appreciation for their diligent efforts is given to local historian, Noel Gish, Hauppauge Community Leader, Paul Borowski, Legislator John M. Kennedy, Jr. and Legislative Aide, Leslie Kennedy, Scott Martella, Policy Analyst for State Senator Brian Foley and Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick.

 The New York State Department of Transportation and affiliated departments have been very accommodating and helpful in our quest to relocate the Hauppauge Village Hall. Thank you.
We thank for their assistance: Patricia Sullivan-Kriss, Superintendent of the Hauppauge Public Schools, James Stucchio, Assistant Superintendent for Business, the Hauppauge School District administration, Ann Macaluso, President of the Hauppauge Schools Board of Education and Board of Education Trustees. The school architect and attorney have been helpful in their consideration.
In addition, we would like to thank Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy, Suffolk County Parks Commissioner John Pavacic, Smithtown Supervisor Patrick Vecchio, Smithtown Historian, Bradley Harris, Town of Islip Historian Robert Finnegan, Town of Islip Planning Commissioner Gene Murphy, Katie Horst of the Office of Governor David Patersen, Kathleen Albrecht of Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick's Office and State Senator John Flanagan's Office.

We, also, appreciate the assistance for possible fundraising offerings with Long Island Photographer and Hauppauge High School Class of 1978 Alumni, Stephen Mastrorocco and with Terri Alessi-Miceli, also a Hauppauge High School Alumni.
The members of the Hauppauge Village Hall Preservation Committee, including Joseph A. Beltrani and Lillian Munro have given strong support and spirit with preserving the Hauppauge history of this building and appreciate their guidance. 

We would like to thank the respondents of the savhaupvillhall@optonline.net email address for their interest and offering their assistance after a relocation property was finalized.

 Lastly, we appreciate the support and assistance provided to us to get the word out to the public through the newspapers and media. Please, if possible, send this final press release in this week's edition.

 Thank you.
  Hauppauge Village Hall Preservation Committee

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