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Let us make a pact, today!

 This letter is in responance to a news article, appearing in today‘s Newsday, entitled; “Paper under fire for image of Obamas,” by Rick Brand, Stacey Altherr and Patrick Whittle.
Aiming to trivialize an inept attempt at “political satire,” at the expense of our President and First Lady, Republican leader, John Jay LaValle is trying to dismiss the sophomoric, inciting and downright offensive and humorless pictorial editorial by Smithtown’s local newspaper, The Messenger.  LaValle suggests that, “What’s going on here is Democratic race baiting. “  Not really.  It is more about the shameless publication of a bigoted, disrespectful and a disingenuous attempt at a crude “joke.”  It was not funny.  It was a “political attack,” by a Republican mouthpiece! 
It seems that whenever a Democrat raises a question about a particular issue of the day, a Republican leader harkens back to a time when the Democrats were guilty of a similar lark or parody.  Then, when the Republicans are reminded of one of the worst times in American history. When the nation’s top lawmaker, who promised to uphold our Constitution, instead tried to circumvent it’s covenants for his own personal gain. And, who visited a great wall, but metaphorically attempted to build a wall around his greatest failure, WATERGATE, the Democrats are chided for bringing up the past.  Watergate was the greatest threat to our Democracy.
Here is a simple solution.  Let us make a pact, today.  Here and now.  That each political party, can only bring up topical issues and concerns as they relate to a candidates’ elective office and can only address these types of character assassinations and embarrassments, in a current election cycle.  Period. 
Thank you. 
Richard S. Macellaro
 Kings Park

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