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Cox Honored by Endorsement from “The Most Fiscally Responsible Member of the State Legislature”


SMITHTOWN, NY — Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick (R,I,C - Smithtown), honored by the Conservative Party of New York State as Albany’s most conservative legislator, has today announced his endorsement of Chris Cox (R), Congressional candidate for New York’s First District.

“I’m eager to help Chris Cox fight for Long Island on the fiscal issues that plague our nation as they plague New York State,” Fitzpatrick declared.

“It’s time that the voters of Suffolk County know that Tim Bishop votes more in line with Nancy Pelosi than even Charlie Rangel.  After eight years in the Assembly, I already know what damage New York Democrats have done to the taxpayers of Long Island,” said the lawmaker.  “I know that Chris will fight a federal government run amok so Washington will not continue to send us deeper into debt and mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren.  Chris Cox is a true conservative and, with the help of Republicans, principled Conservatives and Tea Party supporters, is poised to win in November.”

Fitzpatrick is well recognized for his consistent conservative stands.  Called the “most fiscally responsible member of the State Legislature" by Governor George Pataki, the Assemblyman is currently seeking re-election for a fifth term.  Fitzpatrick was the very first recipient of the Legislator of the Year award three years ago when the Conservative Party of New York State began to so honor the most conservative legislator.  He was awarded the same honor the following year.

In addition to a landmark pension reform initiative, Fitzpatrick was the prime sponsor of the Property Taxpayer Protection Act, proposing a specific cap on New York’s property tax.  The issue is now an integral part of the debate regarding solutions to New York’s fiscal crisis and overwhelming tax burdens.  His fight for a tax cap helped bring the issue front and center.  It is now a central part of the platforms of the candidates for Governor.

Assemblyman Fitzpatrick serves as the ranking minority member on the Assembly Housing Committee and holds memberships on the Assembly Ways & Means, Local Governments, Small Business and Higher Education committees.  He is an active member of the New York State American-Irish Legislators Society.  He served for fifteen years on the Town Board of his home township of Smithtown before going to Albany.

“We need more statesmen like Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick in the State Capitol,” Chris said.  “He hasn’t forgotten the people who have elected him to office.  Mike has been pushing for legislation that focuses on their needs and the interests, and fighting the reckless spending that threatens not only current taxpayers but also future generations.  He’s a leader who understands the similarities of the dysfunction in Albany and Washington, D.C.  I am grateful for his endorsement, and after I’m elected, I look forward to working with him to take government out of the pockets of New Yorkers and bring reform to our state’s capital.”

As a steadfast, fiscal conservative and resident of Westhampton, Chris will put Long Island taxpayers first, fighting to limit spending by Congress and increase government transparency.  Like Fitzpatrick, he will work to expose wasteful practices such as earmarking, one of the most obvious examples of a legislative practice that invites corruption and adds significantly to the federal deficit.  In Washington, Chris will work to completely ban these wasteful practices – with no exceptions or excuses – in order to make life more affordable for citizens.

Chris will also put more money back in the hands of American families and small businesses: They, and not government, are the creators of wealth and opportunity. He will refuse to support, and will fight against, the tax increases proposed by the White House and Congressional Democrats, as they will deprive small businesses and their workers of the means to save, invest and purchase.  In addition, Chris will advocate for legislation that restrains public sector growth, grows private sector jobs over government and makes American business more competitive.

While Chris places a high value in honoring the sanctity of public office, he sees that many of our members of Congress do not show that same respect for their service. Like Assemblyman Fitzpatrick, Chris will refuse to compromise his integrity for the self-interested, ‘business-as-usual’ practices so prevalent in government.  Instead, he will support full penalties for members who break the law or violate congressional ethics rules.  Americans should have trust in their representatives; Chris hopes to restore that trust.

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