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So, the Congress and administration has given up on an energy bill.  Who are these *&#@s who are willing, each time they fill up their cars with gas, to fund some of the most regressive tyrants in the world with hard earned US dollars which seem to leach into terrorist funding as well?


Where is forceful, principled leadership from Obama to motivate Americans to undertake a Marshall Plan to wean us from fossil fuel, to thumb our noses at those Middle Eastern thugs who enrich themselves at our expense?  Where is his rhetorical skill and his persuasive power to energize the public to insist of their elected officials that now is the time to act?


We are funding our own executioners.


Also, please read Paul Krugman  who offers Democrats a short simple mantra to counter the GOP rewrite of tax and economic history .


And Shirley Sherrod...


Woe is we.  Saturday Night Live skits gone very wrong.



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